I have been on 60 mg of Prednisone for 0ver 6 weeks for recently diagnosed GCA. My rheumatologist had me reduce the Prednisone to 55mg, two weeks later to 50mg. Now, after taking the Prednisone 50mg for one week, I am suppose to reduce the Prednisone to 40 mg.
I am also on Methotrexate and increased the dosage from 10mg to 20mg this week.
Unfortunately, the Prednisone is causing very high introcular pressure in both eyes as I have glaucoma as well. This is one of the reasons for the Methotrexate. I've had to add another eye drop med. to hopefully bring down the eye pressure. It's a no win situation right now.
I'm not feeling real comfortable about lowering the Prednisone dose so dramatically. We are leaving on a 2 week trip which will be stressful as we have to get my mom's home reaady to put on the market. Lots of family decisions and hard work.
I appreciate anyone's comments or experience.
Thanks to all of you wonderful people.