Hi , I'm new to this so please forgive me if I don't know all the proper titles . I'm writing this on behalf of my mum who has been admitted to hospital last night .
She was diagnosed with pmr last November clinically because of severe pain in her shoulders , arms and hands .she was put on 15 and has slowly reduced from 15 to 12 over the last eight months .
During this period she had also intermittently experienced pain the head at the back and across the forehead also stinging pain in the face and jaw.
This last week she has experienced her glands being up and has been finding it really difficult to swallow resulting in her not being able to sleep through fear of not being able to swallow .
Last night she had the most severe pain in the back of her neck which she describes as like being hit with a sledge hammer . This resulted in going to A&e and having a CT scan which came back all clear and z lumber puncture which she is awaiting the results . They were looking for a bleed in the back of the neck .
The consultant is quite dismissive of any link to GCA and is reluctant to do any more tests .
My mum is understandably worried in case this happens again . Her headache has subsided a little but still not gone and she is very tired.
She just wanted know if any one had any idea what could be going on . She also mentioned that there is a possibility she forget to take her HRT patch on Thursday and wondered if this steroid / hormone imbalance could of had anything to do with it .
Thankyou very much il await your replys. She is 64 .