Since 5 pm last night I have had pretty bad dizziness which gets worse when I move my head or get up. Anyone have this with methotrexate? I have been on 10 mg weekly for 5 weeks
Vertigo/dizziness with methotrexate?: Since 5 pm... - PMRGCAuk
Vertigo/dizziness with methotrexate?

honeyadams, I haven't actually got any experience of taking Methotrexate. I haven't read of other MTX takers complaining of a vertigo side effect in the past but dizziness is listed as a "less common side effect".
When our son experienced a sudden bout of severe vertigo-type symptoms a few years ago, including being unable to move his head or body without the dizziness and vomiting, the paramedics diagnosed severe Labrynthitis.
Perhaps someone else will reply who has experience with MTX, but it might be wise to check this out with your GP just in case it isn't a Methotrexate side effect just to be on the safe side.
I experience a fair few side effects with MTX but this was never among them.
However I have had the severe vertigo associated with an inner ear problem in the past and that was awful and sounds very like what you describe....
I have to agree with Celtic, best to this checked out, it is all too easy to put everything down the the meds or the disease when we are still just as likely to get something unrelated as the next person
Hope this settles soon
I appreciate all your replies. says that dizziness is a common side effect of mtx. The dizziness seems less this morning. That inner ear deal where the normal crystals get dislodged may also be the culprit. I have had to take my mom to have the doctor do that body motion thing to settle the crystals back into position in the inner ear before. A lot of people don't know about that, even doctors.
Taking these drugs for pmr/ra makes it so difficult to figure out what is a side effect and what is something else. It is a long, slow, slog through this, isn't it?
I had dreadful dizziness that was like being sea-sick when the Rheumy put me up to 15mg of Meths. Went to GP to check I didn't have an ear issue - and I didn't. It was sorted by my nutritionist wondering if I was not absorbing the folic acid. She put me onto Folate (Metafolin) and the problem went within 5 days. The nausea also went, plus the inability to think straight which had plagued me since going onto the drug. So it might be an idea to investigate the folic acid issue.......
I wish you every success. I was ready to come straight off the drug as the side effects were so awful. Glad I found a ray of hope, as if you have to be on the drugs because you need what else they do for your body, then it's best not to have to do without them!
I take Methotrexate by injection for Rheumatoid Arthritis -- 70 mg per week. Lately I have been experiencing some vertigo, generally at night, especially when I quickly roll over in bed. From what I've read, this isn't really unusual and that it often gets better over a period of several months. On the other hand, Methotrexate can also lower your immune response to various infections. If, for instance, a person has a virus attacking the inner ear (cochlea), it is possible that the Methotrexate could prolong the body's anti viral response and the dizziness could go on for some time. So, it is good to be aware of this. Also, if a person is concerned about catching the flu or some other serious viral infection he or she might want to lay off Methotrexate until the surrounding community is clear of the viruses. It does take four or five weeks, however, for the positive effects of Methotrexate to return once you start taking it, again. It is for this reason that I've taken the med off and on (mostly on) for the past year or so.