Does this condition cause toothache been to denti... - PMRGCAuk
Does this condition cause toothache been to dentist and no problem but toothache persists
Hello JIBreader.. I would suggest that you don't let this toothache get too severe as I have just been through the same thing since Easter with painful consequences.. My first xrays showed nothing even though I was having awful toothache and it felt like I had an abscess , I was given antibiotics and told I had an infection . It seemed to ease off a little bit but a couple of weeks ago it flared up again and was re xrayed to show that yes there was an abscess and the tooth had to come out and unfortunately it caused a PMR flare up and more antibiotics .. My body decided it just didn't want to function and I have had to have a Depo- Medrone 160mg injection to try and get up and running again.. My mouth is still sore but I have it under control with frequent Oral mouth rinses . PMR Doesnt like any trauma .. I hope it all turns out OK for you . trish29
Hi JIBReader,
If you have GCA jaw claudication can sometimes present with toothache type pain.
If the dentist has ruled out toothache then probably worth going to GP to rule out any medical causes.
Thankyou for your help
Hi JIBReader,
Agree with Keyes, if you have problems with mouth/jaw and the dentist cannot find any problems, then it could be GCA problems - you don't say what you have been diagnosed with, or IF you have been diagnosed and are being treated. If you aren't already under medication then you need to get things checked ASAP.
Not to frighten you, but my undiagnosed GCA which included teeth/jaw problems left me without the sight in one eye, so you need to be aware of the implications if left untreated.
If you are on Prednisolone you should be okay, but if not then get to your GP or local A&E dept to be sure. Best of luck. DorsetLady
Some of the members on here may recall that in one year 3 of us were diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. Very painful and difficult to treat and symptoms very similar to GCA jaw/temple pain. Should be kept in mind when going for emergency/rapid action treatment.
Hi, I can echo DorsetLady as my Locum diagnosed (wrongly) Tempromandibular problem, sent me to Dentist who extracted(needlessly?) a tooth, but in the end it was GCA lurking in the background and I ended up singlesighted! So do go to a good eye hospital and get it checked ASAP.
Hope it isn't but best to be sure, eh! Good luck,
I have GCA and one of my symptoms is a horrible boring pain in my jaw that goes into my bottom teeth. I don't have to be chewing for it to happen- it just comes on at rest. It is the most painful symptom I have had- worse than the headaches, sore scalp and dreadfully stiff shoulders and they were pretty bad! I would never have guessed it was jaw claudication. But that's what it is. I won't reduce my steroids at all in a week when I get it.
Thankyou for your help