I have been given Gabapentin by Consultant for a lower back pain, which he said was not connected to PMR. I am waiting for an MRI scan, but in the meantime has anyone taken this medication. If so have they had any horrible side effects as the leaflet enclosed does not make optimistic reading.
GABAPENTIN: I have been given Gabapentin by... - PMRGCAuk

Hi hwigston,
I was on Gabapentin for 6 weeks for my jaw pain ( thought not to be GCA related... long story! ). Unfortunately I also had dizzy spells, the Gabapentin made the dizziness worse and didn't help the pain!
I have used Gabapentin a lot professionally, for some people it is a fantastic painkiller, especially for neuropathic pain. One of my colleagues is taking it at the moment for back pain and feels they couldn't manage a 12.5 hr shift without it.
To a certain extent you are going to have to try it and see. Medication side effects are such personal things. I have been on prednisolone for nearly a year now, starting at 60mg and haven't developed any known side effects from it.
I hope the MRI gets to the root of the problem.
Best wishes
Many thanks for info. Interesting that it caused dizzy spells. I have been suffering from dizziness for over 3 years which no one has managed to resolve. I just hope this medication doesn't make it worse.
That's interesting. I was so dizzy for a week, after developing headache, jaw pain and blurry vision, that it was one of the reasons I was admitted to hospital. I couldn't be upright for more than 10 mins.
Now if I stand up too quickly I get dizzy and if I am bending over to put stuff in the washing machine, for example , I get a cold tingly sensation up the sides of my face and forehead. Then when I straighten up the dizzy feeling starts. Like you no one can explain these symptoms. Are your symptoms similar in any way?
Hello Keyes. Four years ago I had severe jaw pain and blurry vision but my GP at the time said he couldn't explain the symptoms and told me to go on holiday and enjoy the sunshine. Ten days into my holiday I woke up with the loss of sight in my left eye and was in Cordoba hospital for ten days. The dizziness did not commence until I reached 20 mg having decreased from 60 mg - 6 months to reach 20 mg - and the dizziness has gradually got worse. Consultant said it is probably caused by trauma. It certainly gets worse as I move around, bending down etc. I do sympathize with you because I find it very debilitating and depressing because I am unable to do most of the things I enjoy.
I've been taking Gabapentin for a couple of years now and I have found that I can't take high doses as I get nausea. On lower doses I'm ok so am taking just 300mg morning and evening. I'm ambivalent on the question of 'does it help' and would really like to sort that bit out for myself. Am seeing the Rheumatologist next month so might put it to him.
I've not heard of the Gabapentin, but having read my fair share of the inserts you find in any medication these days I wouldn't be too worried. I think they list every thing they've ever heard of on those leaflets which can be in itself misleading. They are simply covering their own backs should some one decide to sue them, then that way they can say there was a written warning.
Hi Pete1957. I think you are right about the leaflets covering every possible side effect. I certainly won't be put off by it, I just want to take something to take the pain away, and if it does I shall be a very happy lady.

There are low back problems that ARE associated with PMR in that they are more common because they have a common cause: concentrations of cytokines which are the substances that lead to the inflammation. Many doctors are not aware of this connection though. One form is called myofascial pain syndrome. Have you tried a physio or medical massage therapist? They are often able to find the trigger points which form knots of muscle - mobilise the trigger point in some way and the problems resolve. Local injection of cortisone can also work - oral doses don't achieve a high enough level, rather like washing up liquid will clean most of your frying pan but sometimes you need a brillo pad!
Hi, I've been taking gabapentin for spinal stenosis since November and I looked at the side effects and it put me off taking it but I was in such pain I had no choice really and I am now on a reducing dose. I had the odd bad dream but nothing too serious. At the time I was also suffering from PMR which was at that point un diagnosed. Now down to 10mg of steroid and hopefully after a visit to my gp on Monday I can start reducing down a little more. Good luck
Hi hwigston. I've been on gabapentin (1200mg currently) since 2007 for fibromyalgia. Through trial and error I take the whole dose at around 7.00 pm as I found taking it spaced through the day made me too drowsy. Taking it at night gives me a better chance of sleeping, and although I may feel a little woolly headed when I first awake that soon passes. Since being diagnosed with PMR four weeks ago and being prescribed prednisolone I haven't noticed any adverse effects. I think you need to try it and see hiw it goes. If it suits you, great - if it doesn't, at least you tried. We're all different, and what works for one person may not work for another. I know we have to read the possible side effects leaflets that come with our medications, but if we took too much notice we wouldn't touch any of them and could end up missing out on some welcome relief from pain and other symptoms. I wish you well, God bless xx
I used Gabapentin for sciatic pain and found it very effective. Rather than take it "as and when" required as the doctor said followed the advice of the pharmacist and coincidentally a nurse at a physio clinic for PD and took a low dose as course of tablets until the twinges were well and truly gone. Only the occasional twinge in the last ytwo years.
I too am on gabapentin on the fourth week taking 4 a day as instructed by my doc and up to now have not noticed anything different. Had a bad attack of sciatica in the left buttock and down the thigh.Last oct had polymialgia in both thighs very painful doc prescribed steroids and felt big difference the day after taking 6x 5mg continued 6a day for one week ,still sometimes feel twinges.
hi hwigston, I have taken gabapentin for neuropathic pain, it didn't agree with me so they put me on pregabelin, something similar, only thing is they put weight on me x