I went to my GP in April with this problem. My GP practice give you forms for self booking for Rheumatology at choice of 2 hospitals. Both have no appointments available. I rang and was told 18 to 34 week wait but even then you have to go on a waiting list to get the appointment before that.
I booked a private one saw her and she examined me and told me to taper gradually from 5mg .
However I have a burning pain in my upper left back and have had it for ages now. My GP said it is inflammation and not to taper to stay on 5mg.
I have booked to see Rheumatologist again but she doesn’t seem to think it is related to what I have which is the Rheumatoid factor, but no defined diagnosis just that I have the factor. I have no joint pain at all now, just this horrendous burning sensation and also pain behind my left eye which comes and goes.
I have asked the Rheumy via email if I can have a scan or mri I know I will have to pay but can’t go on like this anymore.
Incidently she is an NHS Dr but cannot take me as a patient as I am out of her area.