What is antiinflammatory diet: - PMRGCAuk


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What is antiinflammatory diet

salymol profile image
17 Replies
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salymol profile image
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Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hello salymol

Soon after diagnosis, I decided to research anti inflammatory foods to see if they would help with my pain and felt that it was at least one area in which I could get back a little bit of control over my life following the previous year of non-diagnosis.

Among helpful foods are oily fish (sardines (with bones - good for our bones), mackerel, salmon, trout, beetroot, avocado, garlic and turmeric. Good diuretic foods to help offset the fluid retention caused by steroid are asparagus, garlic, fennel and melon.

Refined carbohydrates, such as bread should be reduced as they can increase steroid-induced weight gain. White potatoes can be substituted with sweet potatoes. Such foods, including parsnips, turn to sugar in our bodies and could add to the risk of steroid-induced diabetes.

I avoided all processed meats and as much sugar as possible. Sugar and coffee can stress the adrenal glands that are already being suppressed by the steroids.

Of course anti inflammatory foods sadly won't cure us, but I certainly found that if I omitted, for instance, my 3 x weekly portions of oily fish, my pain and stiffness were more noticeable.

A dietitian gave a talk about anti inflammatory foods at one of our support group meetings, and, if you are a chocolate lover, you'll be pleased to hear that she mentioned flavanoids in 70% dark chocolate are anti-inflammatory! Enjoy!

salymol profile image
salymol in reply to Celtic


salymol profile image
salymol in reply to Celtic


Falkers profile image
Falkers in reply to Celtic

Thank you for this report. I will start changing my diet, i.e. leave out my favourite coffee and eat more oily fish. Will report back.

MoiraCT profile image

Hi Salymol

Below is my diary of how I managed PMR through diet and supplements. Who knows ~ it may have gone into remission without all this, but the experience has made me evaluate lifestyle and food choices. Hope it is of interest.

'Here’s my anti-inflammatory diet, which I started 2 months into PMR. At the same time I have taken an array of supplements: omega 3, vit C, E & D, chromium and magnesium. I also see a herbalist and a chiropractor. I am well aware of the increased risk of GCA with not taking steroids, but my GP has been very supportive. I have monthly tests of ESR and CRP, which both show a steady decline.

In the beginning

No dairy, no grains (which meant no bread, biscuits, cakes, cereal, pasta) no nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines), no alcohol, no chocolate, no sugar, no coffee, no refined or processed foods, no oils other than virgin olive oil, coconut oil or flaxseed oil.

What did I eat?

For breakfast, I made green smoothies with kale, spinach, lemon, apples and ginger, or had something left over from the night before. This would be organic chicken, wild salmon or tuna, some white fish. All baked, rather than fried, but delicious when marinated in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I had handfuls of nuts, almonds and walnuts, if I got hungry. Lots of water to drink, but just from the tap. Hummous with celery. Vegetable soup with spices, but no stock cubes.

2-3 months from start of diet

As things got better, I added in eggs, organic whole grain oats and made muesli with walnuts, coconut, and almond milk. (it’s really easy to make) I allowed a week for each item to see if there was a reaction. Coffee was the only thing I really missed, so had Illy decaffeinated as a treat on Sunday mornings. Started to make some raw food sweets with dates, cashew nuts and cacoa powder. A tart apple and vegetables every day.

6 months from start of diet

I added in peppers and aubergines, cooked tomatoes (raw sent me back to the sofa) and occasionally had some grass-fed beef. I had a glass of red wine and a few squares of organic 95% cocoa chocolate. All beans and lentils, plus quinoa.

8 months start of diet

I’ve had the odd real coffee, and occasionally am tempted and give in to cake or something in a coffee shop. Always regret it. I make muffins with spelt flour, and they’re ok. So my basic principle now is no processed or refined food. I have had the odd sliver of a cake I’ve made myself, usually for a family birthday, and that’s been ok. As it gets colder, I thought I could use the almond milk to make porridge, or even hot chocolate, by melting some in the heated milk.

It makes eating out very difficult. Even a bowl of vegetable soup can knock me off my perch for 24 hours (think it’s the stock cubes) If we’re going anywhere I phone up beforehand.

I do still have aches, pains and stiffness, but there’s no comparison with earlier. Fatigue is the biggest problem at work, and I hope that will get easier. The trouble is that as you feel better, you start to do more, and almost forget how careful you have to be not to overdo things. At work, I don’t want to be seen as an invalid, more as someone who’s recovering from a chronic condition. I have corresponded with a woman from Texas, and she has been an inspiration. She said approx 12 months for the pain to go, and another 6 months to regain energy.

Funnily, I have some of the problems others put down to steroids, and so I think they must be due to PMR: urgent need to pee (bladder muscles?) thinning hair (not diet, iron levels and stores checked)

numb fingers and unexplained bruising; difficulty concentrating for long periods ( just get fuzzy headed if meetings go on too long).

10 months from start of diet

It’s now a year since the problems started. It built up over a fortnight, and I ended up with 6 months off work and another 5 months phased return. I still get very tired at work, but no comparison with earlier. Feel almost normal, just with some aches, which I hope will go as my muscles strengthen. I still can’t walk any great distance or at a brisk pace for more than 50 yards. But when this all started I couldn’t get out of bed, turn over in bed, get dressed, wash my hair in the shower etc etc without great pain and effort. So, the improvement has been incredible.

I’ve had the occasional slice of buttered toast with no ill effects, but am sticking to the no refined, processed foods rule. The problems mentioned above; need to pee, hair loss are all gone. I still don’t like long meetings at work, but who does?

I think the PMR is just gradually burning itself out. Most weeks I realise I’ve done something without thinking about it, whereas before I had to plan every movement. Who knows whether it’s been the diet, the supplements, the herbalist, the chiropractor or just time. I think a combination of all of these, and I try not to get over-confident but I’m pretty pleased with how things are going.

14 months from start of diet

Most of the time I tell myself it’s gone, and I just have weak muscles due to lack of exercise, with odd aches in thighs and buttocks. My shoulders get stiff, but I put that down to time at the computer, and try to be careful. For normal purposes I am absolutely fine, spent ages doing heavy work in the garden last week; just get slow walking any distance or uphill. I still see the chiropractor every 4-5 weeks, and take the mixture from the herbalist, whom I see every 6 weeks. I’ve added in a monthly massage, which really helps my shoulders.

I have got lazy about the vitamins and minerals and take them when I remember. I have got careless with food too, but can now judge the reactions so well that I know within a few hours if something’s been a problem. Cheesy pasta set me back for 48 hours this week. The problem I have now with food is that I’m tired of planning what to eat the whole time, rather than just having whatever looks good when I’m out. However, I’ve come so far, I’m not giving up now. This has been such a wakeup call.

My basic approach is still to avoid refined, processed foods, including bread, cakes, biscuits. I will have milk in a cappuchino if out, but otherwise stick to almond milk for home made muesli, or adding to soups.

Have the odd bit of cheese, but dairy is limited and I don’t miss it.

I make muffins with spelt flour and olive oil for a daily treat, and still keep nuts and some squares of dark chocolate in my bag for emergencies! I eat organic whenever possible.

20 months from start of diet

Now officially in remission and feel great. I can eat out and not worry too much about what I eat, but still stick to the basic rules at home ~ cook fresh organic food from scratch ~ avoid sugar and anything processed, refined or containing a long list of preservatives.'

Good luck


Hoogli profile image
Hoogli in reply to MoiraCT

Thank you so much for your diet, you have inspired me to follow your lead. I wish I had seen it when I first began my PMR/GCA journey, thing would have been so different.

Best wishes


Whittlesey profile image
Whittlesey in reply to MoiraCT

Hi Moira,

This is really good news and information. I, too, am trying this diet. I agree with what you have said.

You have explained the diet really well (my nutritionist, also thinks this is a good way to deal with GCA. )

And for protein, you stick mostly to fish and chicken? Do you eat red meat?

Are you completely of prednisone ? Are you taking methotextrate?

This diet helps tremendously, I believe, as we try to deal with the inflammation.

Thanks Moira.

best wishes on continued success,


MoiraCT profile image
MoiraCT in reply to Whittlesey

I occasionally eat red meat now, but didn't while still coping with PMR. Yes, fish, chicken, beans, lentils for protein.

I didn't take prednisone at all, other than a week's trial to confirm the PMR diagnosis. I felt better within hours, but checked online and was worried about the side effects. My GP was ok with me trying this, and went over all the possible symptoms of GCA as untreated PMR has a much higher risk of this. I also had to go for monthly blood tests for ESR and CRP to keep an eye on things as I took no medication. This helped my confidence as the levels for both were dropping each month, and corresponded to how I was feeling.

While I'm now in remission, I still check in to the site from time to time, but I can identify the stress factors that I think caused the PMR to start, and am very hopeful that this is it.

All the best


Whittlesey profile image
Whittlesey in reply to MoiraCT

Hi Moira,

Thank you. This is very good and helpful information. It is what many of the nutritionists and some neurologists are beginning to say.

I think it is very positive. I am glad you are better.

I have the GCA diagnosed through biopsy. The prednisone did stop the loss of vision that was beginning to occur. I am taking a maintenance dose. I have started the diet you have spoken of. I have three flares since 2012 and had to increase the medrol. I have damage to my eyesight from the first diagnosis in 2012 -- peripheral on my left and some blurriness in my right eye.

I have been diagnosed with three arteries (aside the temporal) with dissections. I take one aspirin every day.

I will follow this diet with the maintenance dose until the doctor says to reduce that.

This is such good information on what you are taking and its effect. I think it's positive for all of us and for dealing with these diseases. Thank you so much.

wishing you continued good health

all my best,


or01ah profile image
or01ah in reply to MoiraCT

Hi Moira this is very interesting as I too have been eating some of the foods you suggest, I actually fel very tired and bloated if I eat crabs, sugar or gluten but have never associated it with PMR pain. I was diagnose in Feb and now on 7mg pred and in the past few weeks my energy has returned ad feel much better. exercise regularly and got to the health suite for jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. Hope you have a good weekend.


pennyw profile image
pennywAdministratorPMRGCAuk team member

Hi Falkers and Salymol

Like Celtic I am following an anti-inflammatory diet and it has had an amazing effect on how I have felt almost from the day I started to follow it. I have cut out dairy, wheat and alcohol (although I have an occasional glass of white wine). I use coconut, almond or hazelnut milk which I have come to really like and no longer miss milk. I've been told there is some cheese now made without dairy but haven't tried it yet! I didn't like gluten free bread when I tried it but if I toast it and have it with some hummus instead of butter it is good. I drink green tea or just boiled water instead of coffee which I no longer miss at all.

I eat poultry, lamb, game (not often!) and fish and vegetables.

As well I have cut out the bella donna vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, aubergine and peppers.

There are seven of us in my household ranging from 1 year to 92 years and I do most of the cooking. Everyone is now eating more fish and they often have exactly the same as I do to eat. Sometimes they have potatoes when I have sweet potatoes but they often want both! I am building recipes and plan to write a recipe book as finding recipes was challenging.

Since May I have lost 2 stone 4lbs with little effort and now at a rate of about 1lb every couple of weeks; I was putting on about 2/3lbs a week. I have pre-PMR energy levels back and feel very positive.

Good luck with the diets. If anyone wants to try any of the recipes I have done please email me from the forum with your email addresses and I will send you them as a pdf file.


in reply to pennyw

Hi Penny

I am interested in your diet, what do you eat for breakfast? I have had PMR for 4 years, and have put on loads of weight, I am relatively painfree, but don't have much energy, and if I get an infection - UTI, cold, sore throat it knocks me for 6. Do I give you my email address here in order to get your recipes?


Whittlesey profile image
Whittlesey in reply to pennyw

Hi Penny,

Thank you for this information. I, too, am following this diet. I have GCA. I am on 5mg s of methylprednisolone per day. Are you taking the medrol while on the diet?

I would be interested in receiving your recipes by email. Mine is lynnandmarie@live.com . I am in the United States, NYC.

I am trying to cut down some of the red meat. I have it once in awhile. Mainly I am eating chicken and fish. I'm also increasing the amount of vegetables and some fruits.

Thank you so much for this information and the work you have done on the recipes.

all my best

and continued good health


pennyw profile image
pennywAdministratorPMRGCAuk team member in reply to Whittlesey

Hi Lynn, I have sent the recipes to you. I am going to send you the diet I found which was by an American chiropractor for his patients with arthritis, rheumatism, etc. Hope that is helpful too.

Best wishes


Whittlesey profile image
Whittlesey in reply to pennyw

Hi Penny, Thank you, so much. I am reading this. This is very helpful. Thank you. all my best, Lynn

pennyw profile image
pennywAdministratorPMRGCAuk team member

Hi Chris

I have a milkshake most mornings with fresh fruit and non-dairy milk. If I am peckish mid-morning which nowadays I rarely am I have a handful of nuts.

Moira's way of eating is very similar to mine. I also take supplements - Patrick Holford's Optimum Nutrition Pack plus age antioxident and brain food. From the GP I am taking alendronic acid (very reluctantly but I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis) and calcium tablets with vit D and at the moment I am on alternating 6mg and 7mg pred.

The PMR is still with me but it is no longer dominating my life.

I stuck absolutely to the foods on my diet sheet for the first two months and then, like Moira, I have tried introducing some of the banned foods back. Each time I have tomatoes which I used to eat almost every day in some format I have reflux the same night so I won't be eating tomatoes for a long time I think!

You can email me at northkent@pmrgcauk.com with your email address for the recipes.

Best wishes


55grove profile image

Should anyone wish to follow the diet and have consultAtion go to the Arthritic Association website. This is a charity specialising in all arthritis problems. Membership fee is small for great help.

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