hi, I’ve been referred for an epidural after 18months of pelvic pain. Does anyone have any experience of this? xx
caudel epidural: hi, I’ve been referred... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
caudel epidural

I had a gyno (female) who located the actual points of pain in a physical exam. Called them trigger points and told me the muscles were in spasm - like a Charlie horse. Likely the result of multiple pelvic surgeries (scar tissue and/or adhesions). She injected botox into the trigger points (under propofal) and within 2 weeks the botox caused the muscles to go lax for the first time in years. Wonderful pain relief! It lasted about 6 weeks, but it was an excellent test to see what the problem was.
I had a second round of botox (200 units, not the original 100 units). The pain was again relieved and I was able to do myofascial release (much less pain) - and I now use that to manage the spasms. I still use baclofen suppositories (muscle relaxant) from time to time when things wind up. Some of her other patients have repeated botox injections, which she tells me lasts longer each time.
My only caution is the botox will relax muscles in the area injected, which can also effect the colon. Be careful not to strain, and be aware you may need to make sure you have finished with the bathroom in the morning before going out.
I hope this helps.