hello, I was just diagnosed with having a rectocele …. I’d really like more information and some help, as this is very stressful for me . Thank you
Apollo01: hello, I was just diagnosed... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Hi! I was diagnosed with a stage 2 rectocele and stage 1 cystocele at the beginning of the year (at the ripe old age of 74!) and am still feeling just as lost and frightened as I felt then. I was sent off with industrial quantities of laxatives by my GP, together with the comment that I didn't need to do anything about the prolapses! She only picked up on the fact that I had a rectocele because I realised from reading Dr Google that I had virtually all the symptoms and I suggested that could be the cause! Well, I may not require an operation and am determined not to have one unless all else fails, but I definitely need to do something, as life is pretty uncomfortable at the moment. I have had one or two sessions with a private pelvic floor physiotherapist (who took the time to tell me what type and grade the prolapses were) and do the exercises as often as I can bear to, but the jury's out on their efficacy at the moment. Think I will have to opt for the pessary but I keep thinking of all the things that could go wrong with it! All in all, not a fun time!
I've just had rectocele and cystocele repair surgery. I didn't want to delay my life by going down the route of pelvic exercise therapy and pessaries but just want it done and sorted. Well had the surgery (u,k) on Tuesday. Was awake throughout listening to music on my iPod, no pain due to spinal anaesthesia. All went well. One night in hospital. Had an elderly lady opposite me who had only rectocele repair and she was up using the bathroom that night. She went home early next morning and was up walking about pain free - problem sorted. I had to wait till I'd had 3 big wees and had 3 bladder scans afterwards to ensure my bladder had emptied properly. All fine. I went home that evening and had a poo next day - not at all painful and all ok. The hospital gave me a prescription for Lactulose liquid laxitive to take morning and night. I was hyper after the operation the next day, but once home I could relax and calm down. I stopped taking Dihydrocodeine 3 days post op as it made me feel woozy and now on paracetamol and ibuprofen and a daily Clexane anticoagulant injection. I get tired and have to rest, but able to "potter" around the house. I have a nap in the afternoon and use alot of pillows around me in the bed to get comfy. So far so good. First 2 weeks post op are crucial as internal stitching has to heal and inbed. 6 weeks recovery and absolutely no lifting! Would recommend seeing a Gynaecologist asap and discussing posterior repair surgery....I'm glad I decided on this option. Surgery is the way forward 👍👍
Thankyou - no regrets so far. I was only diagnosed in February and all done already due to my persistence and research 😊👍
I r had a cystocele repair at the end of March and am absolutely fine. I was so scared about the op and delayed it twice but it wasn’t as bad as I expected and went home the following day. Back to long walks and swimming now but wouldn’t lift anything heavy ever again x