Hello everyone I am so depressed. I constantly feel heavy and dragging sensation in my pelvic area and sensation of helium balloon growing and something is stuck . I constantly use the bathroom 5 times a day for number 2 and feel fatigue . I don't know what it is . I had an ultrasound a year ago they didn't rule out anything I'm wondering does it show up on scans or missed? Please offer suggestions appreciated 🙏
Is this hernia or diverticulitis? Or ... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Is this hernia or diverticulitis? Or something else?,

The symptoms that you are describing sound to me like you are experiencing a bladder prolapse. Do you feel anything protruding from or a bulge in your vagina? I was recently diagnosed and am looking into getting fit with a pessary in an effort to avoid surgery. What was very helpful to me was reading posts in this section under bladder prolapse. You will soon figure out if you have a bladder prolapse or the information you glean from reading the posts might lead you in a different direction. That's the best advice I have since I am just learning about this condition.
Hi dear thanks for your response. I don't expierence any bladder issues per say when I meant I use the bathroom it's for number two. I don't see anything protruding out physically i feel dragging heavyness and even I went for a gynecological examination she didn't rule out anything. I am so depressed oh and I forgot to mention I have like a bruised pain like sensation left side under rib cage..it comes and goes . Mind if I ask what caused your bladder prolapse and your symptoms?
There are several reasons why bladder prolapse occurs. It can happen anytime during or after childbirth. I believe it is most prevalent in women who have had two or more children who were born vaginally. It happens due to a weakening or stretching of the vaginal walls and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles due to childbirth or repetitive straining (as in severe constipation or heavy lifting). For me, I believe it was a combination of all the above but constipation played a major role. I remember, after my first child, the doctor recommended that I do kegel exercises to strengthen my vaginal walls to avoid bladder issues (leakage). I did not take her advice seriously, did the exercises for a couple of weeks, and here I am. You can look up kegel exercises on Google if you would like to learn about them. Your bladder may not have distended enough for the doctor to notice a prolapse. If that is the case it is a godsend because you might have an easier time taking care of it through kegel exercises rather than more intrusive solutions. I keep mentioning bladder prolapse even though your gyno did not diagnose it as such. Whatever the actual diagnosis, I suggest that you see a urogynecologist who is a specialist in pelvic floor issues. If someone with more experience would like to chime in I think it would be helpful. Delanna, I'm sorry for the influx of information. As far as I know it's accurate. It continues to amaze me our ignorance of pelvic floor issues (including doctors) when it is so prevalent.
I remember I had an MRI for my pelvic area during 2018 . The report itself was unremarkable but it stated urinary bladder partially distended so I don't know if that means I had little urine left in bladder but I emptied my bladder before the MRI but since it was unremarkable I assumed it didn't really needed to be consulted for obviously they would tell me perhaps. I even went to the urologist who also specializes in the pelvic region he doesn't seem it's nerve related either back then in 2018
I went to the gastronoligist yesterday she chalked it up to IBS and she said I don't have hernia or diverticulitis or hemmorhoids but she told me to do some other test and we will take it from there.
Btw I never gave birth nor had a child but I am a chubby person . But I don't think my weight is the cause of all these symptom
I had a heavy dragging feeling in pelvic area. After 2years of investigations was finally diagnosed with a hernia after an exploratory operation. Was called a hidden hernia!!Hope you find out the cause of your pain...
Hi there thanks for your response. My dr didn't rule out hernia due to my age . But I still don't get it why it would be called hidden hernia I mean won't it be visible on ultrasound and imaging tests? So basically you went under an operation for suspected hernia or they found out you had one during another medical procedure?
My pain management consultant thought it was a hernia but no imaging was showing it up. So they did an exploratory operation and found a hernia and lot's of adhesions,from a previous cesarean,stuck to my bladder, bowel and left ovary.
Wow it really makes me so furious that it is 2023 and an imaging test does not detect these diagnoses.. Did you have the dragging feeling all the time? Are you better post operation?
I am amazed by the lack of knowledge regarding the Pelvic floor area as a whole. I have described my prolapse as a hernia in my vagina since individuals, male or female, can't seem to visualize bladder prolapse without further explanation. It's easy to understand when doctors can't figure it out. Hopefully, you will be able to get a diagnosis very soon. Best of luck, kitzka.
Yes a lot better where the hernia was. I had a bad dragging feeling.Unfortunately when they took my left ovary out and sorted the adhesions they damaged my genitofemoral nerve!!!So now have pain from that!!
So hope you find the cause of your pain.xx
Gosh I am so sorry. I honestly feel speechless and the whole pelvic pain is so underestimated unfortunately especially when it can't be detected physically . I just hope we all can cope with it one way or another. Sending positive energies to all if anyone has more suggestions and feedback please do share it would be appreciated. Xoxo