Avulsed Levator Ani repair? - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Avulsed Levator Ani repair?

Judiraburn profile image
10 Replies

Since through exhausive searching I’ve found no doctor in the United States who can successfully repair an avulsed levator ani muscle, I’m pleading for information on anyone in Europe or elsewhere who can. It was positively identified through translabial ultrasound at Johns Hopkins several years ago but they can’t repair it. The only one I know who has done extensive research on the subject is Dr Dietz in Australia and I’ve asked him if he would consider repairing it. Too complicated with his “state funded contributions for research”. It has been repaired in the past by a trauma surgeon. It held for 15 years until I foolishly was doing extremely heavy work and ripped it out. I know how it feels to be repaired. I know how horrible it is to not be repaired (constant fecal incontinence, pain when sitting, walking, standing -aside from the mental anquish it has caused). Please, any help.? I’ll travel anywhere just to get it repaired. Surely if a trauma surgeon could do it in 1996, advancement in the field has occurred somewhere???

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Judiraburn profile image
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10 Replies
kalecolbe12 profile image

Can you please explain to me what it is exactly , how it occurred and what was done to repair it? I'm beginning to wonder if a lot of people have this and don't know it,including me.... There might be a doctor in my town(Scottsdale ,Az) who does it and he's world-renowned for pelvic surgery his name is Dr Michael hibner

Judiraburn profile image
Judiraburn in reply to kalecolbe12

It occurred during childbirth in 1957, through traumatic birth and the use of forceps pulled the named muscle away from the bone. Thought the stitches had not healed as they had gotten infected several times. For years I didn’t know what was wrong, just pain when sitting, felt like my anus was hanging down to my knees (slight exaggeration) but something was out of kilter. Until about 20 years later complete what was called rectal prolapse. Mesh was used to pull rectum up, tipped uterus (removed), both ovaries removed, a couple years later small intestine blocked, called for a resection, tubes everywhere, a couple years later, large bowel obstruction, called for large bowel resection. I kept saying something is not right over on this side. Things are falling through. A trauma surgeon in Tampa felt the “defect” pulled it together, said he had never seen anything like it. Remember by now this is the ‘90s. He drew a picture on a napkin of what it looked like. Through my own internet research I found a picture of an “avulsed levator ani muscle”. X-ray pic was exactly what he had drawn on the napkin. His repair lasted 15 years. It ripped out when I foolishly was doing extremely heavy work. I knew what had happened. Research Dr Dietz work in Australia and you’ll see and understand. He’s the one who told me Johns Hopkins was doing research and could do the translabial ultrasound that would show the defect BUT they don’t know how to repair it. Now that I’m in my ‘80s nobody wants to even try repair on an old woman. My mom lived to be 98. I have longevity in my line and I cant bear to think of living 18 -20 more years in this condition, extreme fecal incontinence when I know it could be repaired if I was given the opportunity. So sad ...

kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to Judiraburn

Well contact Dr Michael hibner in Scottsdale..If he can't do it he will know someone who can he's a specialist of the pelvic floor and all the muscles

just Google his name and it will come up

Pattimoe profile image

I feel your pain! New Year’s Day 2010, I felt a pull or a rip when I turned to do some thing in the backseat of my car. I have had three surgeries, two cesareans and one hysterectomy in the past, and I believe that had something to do with my problem. For year I went crazy trying to figure out what was going on. Multiple physicians, modalities, acupuncture, PT, every avenue explored. No one could figure out what it was. Years later I was finally given relief by intravaginal lidocaine shots to the levator ani muscle which contained the pudendal nerve. I did all my own research as no doctor here in Indianapolis or at Cleveland clinic could figure out my pain. COME ON! there are so many people suffering from problems in this area. Why can’t Dr‘s address this? Especially gynecologist who is study this area? One gynecologist said there are so many nerves in that area we can’t possibly pick out one that would be troubling you!! ! I am so sorry you are suffering. Maybe Dr Hibner would be able to help.

The pain literally made me have a breakdown and I was in big trouble for over a year. Now I take CBD capsules once a day and it is miraculous that I can sit and not even think about the pain. Finally!! I don’t know if time healed it or the CBD is the only thing that is working but I’ll do it for the rest of my life if I have to. There is still aching and uncomfortable-ness in that area, but SO much better.

God bless you💗

Judiraburn profile image
Judiraburn in reply to Pattimoe

Thank you. Your words are encouraging and I needed to hear from you today. Was so very near the edge...

Pattimoe profile image
Pattimoe in reply to Judiraburn

OH 😫 I understand! It’s like life is closing in, and it’s all one can think of!

Pattimoe profile image
Pattimoe in reply to Pattimoe

Are you open to trying CBD? You’ve got nothing to lose! Many online sellers. I buy from Live Green Hemp Co. and they always have sales. Make sure to get the “full spectrum” and in about a week or so you’ll know if it helps💗

Karen1954 profile image

I have had levator ani for 7 years and it’s destroying my life!!!! My mri showed non relaxing pelvic floor!!! I have tried everything there is but nothing helps!!!! What r your symptoms? I HATE this shit!!!! It’s debilitating!!!!! I can’t do anything or go anywhere!!!! This is ridiculous!!!!! I hope to hear from u!!!!! Take care!!!

Judiraburn profile image
Judiraburn in reply to Karen1954

My muscle is pulled away from the boney pelvis. It has started pulling down on the opposite side. A pressure, pulling, anus full of feces all the time, burning, can’t stand up for any length of time. Also, external sphincter shot. Can’t hold bowel. Have to lie down most of the time. No life and what’s left of it is not worth living

Karen1954 profile image

I’m so very sorry for what u r going through!!! Life is hard I know that!!!! My pelvic floor spasms all the time!!! Feels like a tight rubber band and it’s worse when I have stool in the rectum!!! I need to sit or lie all the time!! I did have it before my hysterectomy but it did go away for a bit and then after it came back with full force!!!! Never been the same!!!! I hurt with bowel movements of any size!!!! Burns to high heaven!!!! I can’t catch a break and u can’t either! I’m contemplating a diverting colostomy procedure but really don’t want a bag!!!! I hate all this shit!!! I just had a big skin cancer removed from my scalp and hurts like hell plus my lead sites for my DRG stimulator r now infected!!! I’m one big mess!!! The anal sphincter hurts all the time!!!! How did your sphincter get injured or how did all that happen? I’ve had this shit for seven years and it’s hell!!! Like u can’t do shit!!! I keep asking god why? I don’t understand!!!! Has anything helped u? I’m here when u need a friend!!! People don’t like talking about this shit but it’s a part of life!!! Our life!!! Take care and talk soon!!!!

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