Dear group, anyone have any information about any specialists in Norway?
Chronic Pelvic pain treatment in Norway - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Chronic Pelvic pain treatment in Norway

Hi CristianFed,
I will have a chat with the CEO Judy and ask for you. She is currently enjoying her weekend with husband, daughter and grandchildren which is likely to be their last for a while due to imminent lockdown on Thursday so I don’t want to disturb her. I will ask her on Monday and hopefully have an answer on Monday or Tuesday. Is it a pain specialist or a specialist to help manage a d diagnose a medical condition? I hope this helps and the people of Norway are keeping safe and well

Hi Again,
I’ve just been sent through this information.
Harald Breivik is a very senior pain specialist in Oslo. All main towns in Norway have an MDT pain team and good access to care. Chronic pain in Norway is very prevalent affecting a third of the population. Do you live in Norway or a neighbouring country? I hope this helps