It is Criminal that just cause my cure is unorthodox i cant find a doctor with a brain that can understand that this could cure me and save me.... Curse the American medical criminality towards pudendal nerve sufferers... we are persecuted.... And forced to die out of Willful Ignorance...
L4 Dorsal Nerve Root neurectomy could... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
L4 Dorsal Nerve Root neurectomy could save my life but will be forced to die cause american doctors wont do the one thing and could save me.

Have you tried Dr Lee Dellon?
Is he withing range of me??? DFW... I would to travel the world looking for a Neurosurgeon with a heart but the first 100 doctors and countless expenses took all my life savings...
Idk look him up. Idk where you are. Dr Aszman might be another option
I spent the last of my money 4 years ago when i made my Euro trip to get surgery in southern france.... If i could go back in time i could save my life but Medical Incompetence by countless doctors stole all my money... Evil Evil doctors
Thanks for the thoughts though.
A lot of doctors are very unempathetic toward their patients. It is sad but true. I still work because my symptoms haven't gotten bad enough yet to hinder it. However, it will take me another two months to get back into a physiotherapist that probably won't even be able to treat me anyway, because it is difficult to find one that is willing to do internal and external trigger therapy or massage work.
yup.. physical therapists that even have a slight graspe of the situation are one in a hundred.... So many closed minds...
I just hope that maybe some doctors or politicians with a heart run across these posts and understand our long fights and struggles with chronic pain and conditions.
Yep a truthful rendering of our war against this condition is the only way to bring attention to the suffering.... But since all the previous pudendal condition posting boards were lost with their countless personal stories of suffering I can only be realistic anymore.... What do the moderators think happened to the thousands and thousands of patients that stopped postting without replying on how they found help... What the heck do these people think happened to everyone that disappeared.... Their voices were suppressed by this entire situation we find ourselves in... Talking with and losing contact with people on these kind of posting boards is bad enough... I remember the voices of the patients that i talked to at one point or another in this whole process... The desperation is the cornerstone to cornerstone of our condition... The medical system's side project here is to contain and suppress our situation.... Give me any other war to be a part in compared to the depravities we are subject to.... Put me on the Eastern Front in the most helpless of situations... I'll take it gladly... I talked to so many Soldiers here that have been a Victim of the Bush Cheney Wars... Put me on the front line watch post with a bottle of medicine and i will fight to the death with no apprehensions... This war has few equals... Put me in a Eastern Front foxhole in minus 40 temperatures... I'd take it in a heartbeat....
i think we gatta jam this shit in their faces if we want what u say Mr Man... asking them to come here will never happen... we gatta go there... What is that saying.. well i cant say... We gatta make them see our pain is the answer i can say.. each one of us... dont anyone commit suicide,,, that is a waste of your voice...
we are most of us physically unable to go and petition and picket and harass the politicians that would need to change things for us... so our voices are silenced by the condition.. and by the isolation shame the pain causes... I gatta voice though... i am moving to florida to try to go to people i can see for help... I got a death sentence here at the ONLY pain clinic i am allowed to go to on my super poor Medicaid insurance... I told my family that this is it and i am at my end and u guys better help if u dont want me all over the news... Cause i would of been on there this last time when a so called american pain dr said we WONT do anything... Just saying go home be silent and die was the real prescription... The real diagnosis... If u run out of funds to see real drs that is what is expected of you here...
This was a response to another chronic pain sufferer that has been yet another victim of the War on Chronic Pain Sufferers that is being waged without remorse on us here and many other places... A War is measured by the ferocity and the cost to the victims of oppression........they say they are doing it all to save lives of addicts... But what is the cost... The cost is all of us in these places that have chronic pain... Sure people abuse the medicines... THE WEAK PEOPLE.. The Strong among us that have endured for years and years are given no consideration at all... And only the strong of self will survive with this when it is extreme... So us fighters are penalized... You have to be a fighter to just BE HERE.... We Are Soldiers in this situation... We are fighting a War against pain... It is a war... We are it's front line... The cutting edge... Striving against the greatest adversity.... Any action that increases our struggle should be seen as the criminality that it is.... Because there are so many people that Want to Give into drug abuse we are the held accountable for other people's mistakes... I will never give up the position that because of the weak willed in the communities that we come from the strong willed of the chronic pain patients are the victims... that is how it is.... I am about positivist... But this is a war... i am going to copy this to my post. and hope it doesn't disappear...
As things are i am just ganna end starving myself into nothing cause eating any food just threatens to decrease the space allowed in the entrapment... I am on the most hardcore diet a human can be on lol... I know exactly what a slave must of felt like... The Whip is always there in Threat....
Yup bunch is blocked... Anyways... I can explain another reason why my case was especial difficult when it came to the family situation... Many many PNE sufferers experience serious difficulties with family relationships... Here is why mine was especialy difficult... Just happened that in the first four years of my condition ALL 4 of my grandparent were passing away... So all this happened right in the middle of a family wide crisis... I spent a year taking care of my One grandpa after he had a stroke... Man was some hard work... But I did everything a human could do to care for him... Was such a crazy time... And guess who was there to speak the last words to my carter side granny... Me... The last thing she saw was my face.... I remember she was trying to say something... My grandpa was the only other one there at that time... She must have been seeing the kind of world that i had such a clear glimpse of... I know that anyone that happens to be there at that time Looks like they are Angels guiding helping to guide you to a peaceful place... That is what we see... So i know when i was there trying to cheer her up holding her hand she must have seen me like i saw other people... The white light fills those that are experiencing that gives those that are close to that person with a Angelic light... Whoever you are close to becomes a shining guide post there at the edge.... Someone standing over you smiling? OMG They become like Angels to you... I am glad i was there for her then... I know what others in the family felt and sadness to them felt glorious to her... She saw no darkness... No loneliness... You are joining with everything good in life and beyond that you could ever dream of... Feels like the universe is answering every question you had... I can hardly believe what i saw.... It was such a relief to know that there is something incomprehensible to us here in our waking lives... What most people are able to describe the experience as pale in reflection to what is actually there... Such Peace... The greatest thing was how that incomprehensible power gives you peace with this unbelievable situation we are in... It Was shown as a kind of ultimate cosmic test of our virtues... I was thinking what is the answer to why we are put through all this... And that power was there showing how we have been tested more than almost any other and that you have pasted the test... That Everything test that here as a regular human i can not quite understand but at that point it is all explained to you personally... If you believe that in the grand sum of thing that you are a good person then i believe you are given the greatest of experiences....
well gatta take a promethazine... I have to take one right now or i Know what would happen... It is a hard question... To do or not to do. That is the question.. lol... I did Hamlet in college... I memorized that whole monologue then.. ha... I know being here partially unlocks the glipmse into that cosmic knowledge... Lets me remissness more clearly about what i have seen.... I should be in hospice right now but is denied to Us in this 20 or 30 year period of medical darkness.... That becomes part of the explanation to this test we are put through... Such Answers lay there... Should of used lie there but it looks wrong... I was going to be a English Teacher a decade ago remember... Another person recomended a doctor in Atlanta.... wish i could go... But Atlanta holds another meaning for me... When i got sick i was only Months away from going to take the Japanese governments official language proficiency test.... I Taught Myself Japanese... Nipponese to them specifically... There were 4 different proficiency levels... Was ganna do it one year before but i wanted to take a higher level of proficiency... So i was getting ready to take the 2nd highest level of knowledge.... That required knowing 2000 Kanji and about 30000 Japanese words... I was working out Hard the summer before i got sick... I think that accelerated my entrapment unfortunately... While working on the treadmill for example i had a hundred cue cards with new words to learn.... I KNEW So Much... I was going to try to learn 5 or 6 languages... Japanese was just the first.... I was ganna travel the whole dang world... Was ganna have a home in many countries... It was ganna happen... I Lost so many possibilities it is hard to comprehend... Another much harder Test was in the cards unfortunately...
I am ganna look into this... Nerve Destruction.... Is exactly what i am looking for.. destroy the nerve that is controlling the shit that is destroying my pudendal nerve
yea.. truck that i have sunk $2500 dollars into this last year wont start when i need it... been waiting all weekend to go to a food bank,... no food for johnny boy... i am used to god pissing on me nowadays though... when it didnt crank i instantly go into dont feel anything mode.... the nothingness stare lol... the well Nope life loves to not co-operate in anything that matters knowledge... the world loves to do this kinda thing