Have a nerve block upcoming on 23rd November-last thing I want to do is make things worse.
Has anybody had pain relief from a di... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Has anybody had pain relief from a diagnostic nerve block done by colorectal surgeon? Would be interested to hear stories good and bad.

I've had 5 nerve blocks for my pudendal nerve damage, the last one a month ago. It hasn't really made any difference to me unfortunately but it certainly hasn't made things any worse. I look at it that when you've a pain and they offer you something, you'll try anything and it may just help you. I hate having to take meds, its like being in a constant state of being tipsy but they take the edge off my pain.
I really hope this nerve block helps you. It wasn't an unpleasant experience, it was absolutely fine.
All the best
Have you tried gabapenten it isnt an oppiod once I got use to it I didnt feel tipsy and for me it changes the pain into more of a slight to moderate tingling and it is very tolerable.
Thanks for replies both. Good to know the nerve blocks don't make things worse and I will bear in mind the Gabapentin. I take nothing at the moment because of dislike of medication but if it helps then might try.
Thank you but I did try gabapenten with nortriptyline, only the lowest dose of each but felt drowsy on them, so switched to pregabalin and amitriptyline, the lowest dose of each and I'm still drowsy on them. It must be me. I've mixed them both all around with gabapenten and amitriptyline. I've been told that the mixture of both works better. Nearly 7 years on, I just wish there was something out there for damaged pudendal nerve.
Thank you,mi appreciate any suggestions and I hope you're doing ok.
This may seem perverse but it is heartening to know that there are so many others that suffer from PN and that I'm not alone. Eight years on and slowly getting worse. Does it ever get better?!!
I do know what you mean. When this first happened to me after prolapse surgery, they wouldn't admit there was a problem, so it was hard to get anyone to believe me and eventually get help. I felt so alone, discovering this site really helped.
Although there isn't really much that can be done for PN but I've read people going to Nantes and some have success, which is wonderful but I'm now going down the physio route. I have however been offered investigative surgery in the new year. I'm just nervous of any pelvic surgery, so still not sure if I should go for this.
If you want to keep in touch with the odd email to see how we're both doing, my private email is paulinegower@gmail.com.
What kind of surgery are they thinking of doing in the new year and where will it be, may I ask?
Hi Pauline, long time no speak. how are you, ?daft question. I've settled for the max pregabalin 300mg morning and 300mg at night plus the 75mg amitriptyline . even on these amounts still feel pain. why carnt somebody just find meds that help with our nerve pain. as you know we have to be weaned of one before we can try something else whilst in the meantime the pain really kicks in during this transition time. ive give up trying other things just stick to my meds ime on now and have been for a long time. This is a life sentence on these drugs
I take the max of gabapenten 600 5 times a day and also a lower dose of tramadol 50 mg 3 times a day and it changes the pain from making me suicidal to just an annoyance. I also get a ganglion impar block 4 times a year but am not sure if that does much but it does take the pain away for the first few hours s. The o that must be the right spot for me.
At first the gabapenten made me feel real spacey but a stayed with it and slowly increased it as I adjusted to it. When I first took it even a moderate dose make it hard for me to drive . To find my way around took a little effort but I adjusted to it. Everyone is different.
I've had lots of injections for pudendal neuralgia but none of them helped for more than an hour or two. I've never heard of anyone getting permanently better as a result of having the injections so apart from the diagnostic value, I don't know what the point of them is.