Hi, I'm sorry I just have no idea what to do to carry on. The pain is so extreme all the time, and is completely unbearable most days. I have had a laparoscopy and have been admitted as an emergency into hospital 3 times, with them finding nothing other than adhesions. I have been bleeding constantly for 3 Years, and have various digestive symptoms such as diahorrea every day.
This has lead them to say that I should just get on with life, despite the fact I have to take morphine everyday.
I feel like a fussing hypochondriac, who can't just deal with a bit of pain. I worry that my parents think I am making a big fuss for nothing and should just get on with it. But I am in so much pain with no reason or light at the end of the tunnel that I just do not know what to do.
Any suggestions or support would be amazing. Thank you.