What can help with PBC itching? I've already tried all the over the counter meds and the 2 prescriptions the Dr gave me. Nothing is working and it is greatly affecting my ability to live normally, I cannot sleep, my skin is getting calloused, and I'm constantly exhausted. Any advice will help, Thank you so much
PBC itch relief: What can help with PBC... - PBCers Organization
PBC itch relief

I'm so sorry your going through this. I have heard ones in desperate situations using tanning beds to get relief from the itch related to PBC. But it must be said that the use of tanning beds are controversial too because repeated use of them has been linked to certain types of skin cancer. So, caution must be used.
Can anyone else pipe in about tanning beds being used to curb the itching associated with PBC?
Stella, Thank you so much... I actually own a tanning bed but only use it once a week maybe increase my usage.
I had torturous itching for 3 yrs! I was dx with PBC 3 yrs ago and my dr has tried lots of different meds plus I’ve tried all kinds of all natural remedies and all sorts of things cool water showers anti itch lotions and it seemed nothing helped! I lost sleep and weight and then RIFAMPIN ENTERED AND MY TORTURE WAS FINALLY EASING!!!!!! I take Rifampin and Zofran twice a day together and my itching is almost all gone praise God!! If you haven’t tried it please please please tell your dr to let you try it if they feel you can take it. My body is scarred from all the itching I did for 3 long sleepless years! I may see a dermatologist to see if there is anything I can do for the scars all over?? Good luck!
Have you tried any prescribed creams? It may ease off the discomfort..I’ve never used this myself, I was advised a bath with oats works wonders x
I had terrible itching. I would scratch with whatever I could find, even slit my feet open a couple of times from scratching. My Dr gave me some kind of powder and said that was the only thing that would help. It was so nasty I had to gag it down. But I found out (trying to help my daughter) that I actually have a problem with gluten. When I quit eating gluten, I basically quit itching. You might try it. I never anew I had a problem with it until I quit eating.
Thank you for the suggestion I have been very low carb (no gluten) with no sugar for about 6 months now. My Dr has put me on zoloft which has helped dramatically. I am sleeping almost all through the night and notably less itching during the day also. I tried the powder you are referring to and it didn't help at all. So glad you found relief.Thanks, Anni
I hope the itching has subsided. I haven't itched in years and I'm trying to think back to when it stopped. Obviously, the itch is associated with the liver so getting the enzymes down is the best solution for itching. I believe for me it was when I started LDN, however. Rare is the doctor who will prescribe it, but if you find one, it's sort of life changing. If you aren't familiar with it, you take it in the evening before bed and it resets the immune system for around 40 minutes. In other words, your immune system shuts down while you sleep and resets. Doing this on a daily basis, over time, has had great benefits for me, including the skin.
I also have severe itching. Ask about Ursodiol, Cholestrymine, and Rifampin,