and thank god its now over. ive found it a bit confusing though in searching to see what my new payments would be, as for the past 16 months ive been on the lower rate of about nearly £70 pw, from what i gather i will be backdated for the whole 16 months that ive waited fr the tribunal at my new higher rate, whatever that my be? can some one whos been in the posistion clarify any of this for me please,,,many thanks
e.s.a appeal.. yesterday i won my tribunal ... - PBC Foundation
e.s.a appeal.. yesterday i won my tribunal with the dwp and have been placed in the support group, this has been going on for 16 months....

Hi yes your payment will be backdated to the day you submitted your claim. If you were on the lower rate it will be the difference between the two. This year the higher rate is £105.05 per week. Your rate should change within a month but the back payment may take a bit longer.
If you achieve the support group for ESA there is a strong chance you may be eligible for DLA as well. I would suggest you look into that as a separate issue.
Anyway congratulations for getting there in the end!! It is a massive relief when it is finally sorted.
hi val02 thank you for your help . it has been a long 16 months with sleepless nights. i can honestly say i didnt think i would of been waiting that long,,at least its over now,,,thanks again
well done - that must be a great relief for you
So pleased to hear your news well done you.
After my tribunal I waited about 3 weeks for the backdated money they will pay you in full,do you know how long you have been awarded it for?mine was only for 1 year so will be gathering all information again at Easter.
You need to apply for DLA now ASAP before it changes to pip
Once again congratulations
thanks neata..looking into dla says on my tribunal papers that im not to be assessed for at least 12 months,,so ill just wait and see what happens
Very pleased for you
I wait about 8 weeks for my back dated payment, I was also put into the "support group". I was also awarded low care DLA, I have been advised to apply for the mobility part of DLA.
to be honest I cant really remember how long it took to get it but it was all back dater, I get low rate care which is just under £20 a week
I know what you went through as i just won my tribunal a couple of weeks ago and it was the most stressful months of my life worrying what was going to happen. I have won mine for 2 years and just wondered how long it takes to sort out the backdated money and also what money I will start to recieve as i am still only getting the lower rate that they paid me when i was appealing their decision. Dla took about 2 months to give me a decision when I applied and I now get the middle rate of care component which is a great help to me it is £58.75 a week so is well worth applying for.
Hi, i've been on the appeal rate 2yrs this month, can't get answers from anyone. Dont know what to do. Anybody any ideas?
I won my appeal at the tribunal last year in oct.. its been 8 months and still I have not received back dated money
I have just won a tribunal at court and now there saying they want to re assess me.. What does this mean..?