I live in the United States ....Michigan to be exact,and our summer has been extremely hot. I am noticing that my mornings somedays start out pretty good but as the temperature rises I began feeling nauseaous, light headed and just plain ill. Is this possibly associated with my PBC?
Does the temperature affect PBC: I live in... - PBC Foundation
Does the temperature affect PBC

Hi PBC2012
Missouri here, and HOT also. I don't get too nauseous but the light headed and "yuk" is a normal hot day for me. If I can get things done before noon, I'm pretty much good to go for the afternoon "Nanna nap" and book reading until the evening when hopefully it will cool down enough to get some real sleep. This last week, however, we have been having to do canning (about a month early) and it has been a real push for me to make it through the day. If it wasn't for my husband doing a lot of it, it would not get done.
Now whether or not this has anything to do with PBC, truthfully, I don't know, since I also have COPD/Emphysema and sometimes feel like I'm about to suffocate. Hopefully some of the others can let us know how they handle this.
Take care and try to stay "cool". - - - - ga
Hi tumbleweed ....happy to see someone else from the States on hete...not that the others haven't been helpful ....just noticed PBC seems to be more prevalent in the UK. I also have fibromyalgia so I am not sure what is affecting what alot of the time. I also do not see my liver specialist until Aug. 8th, for the first time, so I have alot I don't understand. I definately can relate to the afternoon blahs but, because of the fibromyalgia, I am pretty much able to sleep anytime I lay down.
Again, nice talking to you ...hope you are able to get your canning done and stay cool!
Take care,
Hi Melanie! Just curious where you live in Michigan? I'm originally from Clarkston. I moved to Florida 8 yrs ago. I was dx in April 2012 & also have fibromyalgia. The heat was bothering me but It seems to have passed. If u want to talk PM me.
Hi General! I am in Jackson. Isn't Clarkston where Kid Rock is from?!
I was diagnosed in April as well but told on my b'day in May that I would be going to U of M to see the specialist and transplant coordinator. Not a good b'day this year I am afraid! The only comforting thing I have found is that the specalist is the same one that treated my mom for seven years.
I would love to chat more and will definately IM you soon.
Take care,
Yes thats where Kid Rock is from. A friend of mine usually winds up hanging out with him at a bar he co-owns in Clarkston!! I wish I could go to U of M...great care there! I need to get to Univ of Miami to see a specialist. For now I'm seeing a GI Dr and my GP. Sorry your Dr ruined your Bday...
Hi PBC2012 Ireland calling here (feel like am in The Eurovision,i.e. a big song contest in Europe where they call up all the other countries for their scores on each countries song entry!). Anyway to get to answering ur question we dont get a lot of heat in this country only really in summer which is supposed to be June-Aug but in reality more like an odd day here or there!), but on hot sunny days I find I feel great specially if can get out in it but if inside and it is very hot it tends to make my itch worse and on occasion can have odd spells of nausea as no air conditioning I think ( no real need to have that in our homes here sadly as usually need heat on full blast lot of year!). In regards to the dizizness do you drink plenty of water as if you are bit dehydrated might cause that. Re what said about weather etc here so as not to put u all off ever visiting here, on a plus side we do have fab scenery and great people with a wicked sense of humour essential to survive life on this emerald isle! P.s. What is canning?
Lol...first thanks for the advice.....second ....I have alot of Irish ancestors and my dream vacation has always been Ireland! ...
.third ...canning is homemade sauces,pickles,jams...stuff like that
i live on the gulf coast of florida and had a problem with heat exhaustion several years ago so i'm not a good gauge on heaat and pbc. although i do seem crankier if i get too hot. ask my poor husband and he will be happy to agree with me.