Does anyone have problems with their finger... - PBC Foundation

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Does anyone have problems with their finger nails or toe nails with PBC, my nails are yellowish in colour?

mandyc profile image
22 Replies
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22 Replies
Helmary profile image

My nails are also yellowish and my fingernails are all splitting top to bottom and are very ridged. I havent seen my GP about it as of yet but like you will be very interested in any positive replies. Take care

donnathompson profile image

No problems with my fingernails but my toe nails are yellow in colour.I am also going through other changes i have also started to put weight on since going on urso and my hair is falling out,anyone else having any off these problems.xx

in reply to donnathompson

I have heard others on this site saying they are experiencing weight gain using urso but myself, I've found no weight change at all since starting them 18mths ago. I think perhaps if you are feeling fatigued a lot with PBC then perhaps that could be a big contributor?

littlemo profile image
littlemo in reply to

I agree with Peridot prob more to do with the fatigue making you less active and subsequently you are gaining weight as not burning up the calories. I've been on urso for ten years and do not feel I have ever gained weight because of it. When I have put on weight I know its because I haven't been watching my diet or doing enough exercise

Kate50 profile image
Kate50 in reply to donnathompson

Hi, just thought i'd let you know that my hair has fallen out too and i was told it was down to anaemia, although after treatment of an iron infusion and high dose of iron tablets its still falling out, and another thing i had naturally curly hair and now it's poker straight haha weird or what.


my toenails are yellow but just my bigtoes, fingernails no problem,I also gained weight and my dr upped my urso mg from 350x3 to 500x3 per day and told me to lose weight.well let me tell you something DOC not easy to lose weight anymore so i'm on a vegan food plan for the last 2 months and only lost 6lbs and i'm working out everyday so can anyone explain to me why I haven't lost more weight so I can tell my DOC next time I see him.

thanks everyone for the forum here it really helps me.


littlemo profile image
littlemo in reply to BECCAFROMWISCONSIN

Hi Becca it could be that initially when people diet and start working out they build muscle which for a while may mean your weight does not go down but stick with the diet and exercise and the weight will come off. Good luck with it keep us posted on your progress. positive support for doing well getting the weight off always helps:-)


follwup to my last answer I have read that celiac desease and pbc go hand in hand if thats the case i feel better when I don't eat whole grains anyone else heard of this? gluten free

thanks Becca

littlemo profile image
littlemo in reply to BECCAFROMWISCONSIN

Yes Beccafromwestconsin people with pbc can take coeliac disease which basically means their body cannot deal with gluten therefore a gluten fee diet is recommended.


My grown-up son who is still living here at home had a digestive problem 2yrs ago and had a colonoscopy that turned up nothing. The consultant informed him to try gluten-free, more specifically wheat to see how he was. So we all started having a lot of gluten-free foods when he was here. I had been diagnosed with PBC several mths prior to my son's colonoscopy and have to say that I actually felt a lot better myself tho' I have to say I've never had a problem with wheat products plus rice being one of the first foods that is recommended for weaning a baby, it is easily digested so we tend to have more rice here these days, that is in savoury and also sweet for puddings.

My son improved and slowly a re-introduction to wheat isn't causing any upheaval for him. The consultant for those of you who are interested tho' nothing to do with PBC is thought to have been caused by him having 2 courses of antibiotics in a short period of time for a skin infection.

We still continue to eat more gluten-free and tho' some of it is quite vile by my standards (and I do like nuts, pulses and seeds a lot of people don't along with a lot of vegetarian foods), I do find it somehow helps.

On another note I used to like brown rice but I have read somewhere that it's not actually as good digestive-wise as white that is processed!!! Something to do with some acid in it as I recall.

Jeri profile image

Ridges in finger and toe nails, feel better when gluten free, have gained about ten pounds, fatigue drives me crazy.

catherine69 profile image

My nails were yellow a few months back thankfully they have turned back to usual colour, another pbc friend also experienced yellow finger nails.

I have also experience hair loss to an extent at times to embarrassed to wear hair tied back, however it tends to fall out then grow back (very fine), this has been going on for a while now.

Ive gained weight and I'm also very fatigued on a regular basis, however, I know of other pbc ladies who although very active as well as having a very healthy diet find it very hard to loss weight that they initially gain while taking urso

in reply to catherine69

I think perhaps gaining weight after PBC diagnose and taking urso isn't exactly something that is exactly a downer if you think about it.

I understand that if the body isn't taking in enough nutrients with a liver disorder than you can actually lose weight and in my estimation it would be far better to be with slight weight gain as opposed to losing weight which would I'm sure be of more concern?

I used to have a manual job up to the yr prior to PBC surfacing and I know that with running up and down a building for 4hrs Mon-Fri I did tend to have more muscle than I do these days. Muscle is supposed to be lost when one becomes lax but also I look at it that come a certain age anyway, our bodies are going to change aren't they not.

I tend to walk everywhere and stay active all day actually, don't really sit down unless it's lunch or evening dinner. I think also that with being up and on the go all day almost even when I feel like flagging certain days, it does seem to have a reverse effect and gives that boost.

One thing I know, PBC seems a strange thing to have, fatigue can debilitate and cause periods of inactivity which isn't exactly a plus for the digestive system to keep on turning good and then there's the itch, have broken nights of sleep if you itch during the night and then that causes tiredness the following day and so the cycle goes on.......!

catherine69 profile image
catherine69 in reply to

I like your attitude peridot you seem a rather positive person :) however, with regards to your comment "slight weight gain" Im afraid that is not the case with me ( weight feb last year 8st.13lb weight today 10st.3lb) big jump eh, dont get me wrong I also blame bad eating habits and lack of exersice to contribuating to my weight gain, however, unlike you I dont get that energy boost very often, today has been a good day, Ive been showered and dressed and even went along to the shops with my husband but I have had many many days were I cant do anything at all, Im embarrassed to say this but all I can manage is to come from the bed to the couch, on theses days I dont speak, eat or wash as I simple can not, my family use to think I was in a huff and not speaking to them lol but now they understand, I dont eat as I physically dont have the energy to put the food to my mouth and chew it which do doubt makes me worse (lack of food-lack of energy) I remember one time where I was having a really bad day, I felt so terrible just sitting there and really wanted to get washed and changed into a clean pair of pajammas,to go from my living room and into my bedroom, open one drawer to get clean underwear and another drawer for pajammas and then in to the bathroom took me a total of 2 hours, I couldent manage the shower that day and got washed at the bathroom sink.

I was diagnosed in 2008 and was a very active person, I was involved in activities such as hill walking (seen some beautiful stunning sight in Scotland), gorgewalking, mountain biking etc when my symtoms hit they hit me big time and I admit this is the part of pbc that I truely detest it has changed my life in so many ways.

I believe people experience fatigue in different levels, I can have a good day even a few good days in a row where I do lots of stuff and feel great and then you have the days were you can do nothing at all, the days I feel are the crullest are the ones were you get up, get dressed, be on your way out the door and you hit the wall, smack bang on the face and you cant do anything but sit on the couch, thoses days I've had many

in reply to catherine69

Sorry to read that you seem to have more bad days than good days due to PBC.

I understand PBC affects everyone differently. I think what you have put here says what a lot of us fear as I know I do. That is as time progresses will I start to come to more of a halt.

I'd not be fair if I said I don't go through the odd days where I get to a point in the day and then just feel I don't want to move. In fact at the moment I'm going through another period of itching at night as happens on/off and I did take note about 6mths ago now that on that particular occasion I'd stayed in bed most of the day from retiring earlier the previous night and then not eating all day I seemed to have the itch vanish for awhile. My point here is that it is now about 6mths ago since I spent ab out 24hrs just not doing nothing. I have had the odd period like this since diagnose Dec 2010 but in the last 6mths I've suddenly come more alive. Know that from May 2011 my bloods had started to look unpromising again after being on urso 6mths and continued to dip in wrong direction up until another regular repeat May just gone when they were back to what they were and 2 even better than a few mths after starting urso when results started good.

littlemo profile image

No I cant say have had my nails turn yellow. Sometimes underneath the nails can be very pale or even bluish but this is down to a condition called Raynauds disease which I have taken as a result of having pbc and only happens when my hands are very cold.

dizee profile image

Re nails. Worth getting pathology done to ensure not fungal related. If left too long it gets harder to "get under control". I had oral tabs for six weeks under close watch with weekly blood test to keep check on liver. All good. Re urso. No noticeable side effects that can't be explained by lifestyle really. Have a more active plan over next few months so will see if I can find any lost muscles :))

MarilynCr profile image

I find my nails brittle, some curl strangely, they are yellowing and have many ridges. The strange curling used to be one nail, now there’s 3 doing there own thing.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to MarilynCr

I have had ridges many years, years before PBC. My mom had ridges and didn’t have any autoimmune diseases. I have read that if the ridges run vertical, it isn’t a big concern. If they run horizontal it could be a problem.

LorraineLouise profile image

I have yellow toe nails and have gained 20lbs in the 4 years Ive been on Urso. My Doctor warned me that weight gain is a side affect of Urso.

rubberglove profile image
rubberglove in reply to LorraineLouise

I have also put weight on with urso .I have been on them 7 year now

NFTom profile image

I have some yellow split toe nails and my hair is thinning since diagnosis 5 years ago. My weight went from 155 lbs to current weight of 130 lbs. I haven't been able to re-gain any weight in spite of a mostly healthy diet and active lifestyle. On most days I walk 2 aerobic miles which keeps my energy level high and definitely helps with overall health.

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