The consultant explained how Urso works in the body, partly by making bile water soluble and expelling with urine. Does this necessitate increased water consumption? I have never been good at staying hydrated and wonder if this is something I need to watch more carefully.
Water consumption with Urso: The consultant... - PBC Foundation
Water consumption with Urso
That is interesting I never knew that. I am also not very good at staying hydrated so I would love to know the answer.
I have found that I drink a lot more water minimum 2 liters during the day which helps with the dry mouth. I also drink fruit teas which are caffeine free. I heard Professor Jones suggest that sparkling water helps with dry mouth so I now drink sparkling water as well. I am sure if you do not like the flavour of water adding a squash of your choice, low sugar of course, might make drinking water more palatable for you.
I find my glaucoma medicine makes my mouth dry but drinking water doesn’t seem to help. I ended up chewing gum for a while which is ironic as I hate the habit and never let my sons do it! I now use sour pastilles, lemon wedges and sometimes, in a pinch, just think about sucking lemons to make my mouth water!
Regardless of the answer to this question, probably the most impactful thing you can do for your health is to drink at least the number of ounces of water which is half your body weight in pounds. Your skin will be better. You may lose weight. If you get constipated it will probably improve that situation. If you have brain fog or joint pain, those symptoms may go away just from consistently drinking water. Literally every function in your body will benefit from being adequately hydrated. I bought a jug for my fridge that has an infuser basket and every morning fill it with water and infuse lemon , lime, or cucumber slices. Then I drink the whole thing over the course of the day. I also like bubbly water with half a lime squeezed into it.
Me too, I’ve not changed anything and I’ve not noticed any detrimental effects since being on Urso as a result
I am not suggesting it would be detrimental, more that extra fluid could be beneficial. Like taking a supplement which you wouldn’t miss but which might possibly give a boost! It would pass out regardless, but on the basis that it can be passed this way it can’t hurt to make it easier.
I’ve always struggled to drink enough and usually have to get a headache before I realize I have let it slide. I think I will tell myself I DO need to drink more with PBC since I am very conscious of trying to help myself with this new condition and connecting it will make me more likely to take hydration seriously.
I used to have a massive Diet Coke addiction (only drinking that or tea) which I conquered when my LFTs first started showing up, knowing that the additives wouldn’t help my liver. I can certainly do it if I set my mind to it, I just need a really good reason when I don’t much like water!