Pbc itch. Hi all, what does everyone use for there itching . Been on Colestyramine light but doesn’t seem to be working . Any suggestions for an alternative
PBC Itching: Pbc itch. Hi all, what does... - PBC Foundation
PBC Itching
I am prescribed Hydroxyzine, which is not perfect but it enables me to cope with the itching. Good luck!
My cocktail of medication is Rifampicin, Sertraline and Gabapentin. I was on Colestyramine but during COVID lockdowns I was unable to get it so had to tweak medications and the substitute that I could get was Gabapentin. You will need a specialist for this type of medication GPs in the UK are not licensed to use medicines "off book" unlike specialist. Whilst you are waiting to speak to your specialist you could add an anti histamine such as Cetirizine two tablets twice a day, these are available over the counter however it was a GP who prescribed them many years ago. There is also a 2% menthol dermacream that the GP can prescribe which temporarily confuses the skin, it helps but it is not a total answer. Ice packs from the fridge are also a temporary solution.
hope some of this helps
best wishes
The medication your on is the first line of attack on pbc itch get hold vof your consultant to move to another medication and keep going until something helps good look a fellow itchy pbc sister Don't forget the pbc foundation will advise too x
I went through all the meds for itching. Nothing seemed to work ... Until I landed on 50mg sertraline. Works like a dream. My itching was very severe, keeping me up nights and causing me to scratch till I'm bleeding.Now, I have no itch at all. I hope you find relief like I did.
Blessings, Anni
Yes...sertraline works like magic. My magic number is 100mg. So glad my doctor recognized that untreated anxiety plus my PBC were causing uncontrollable itching...interesting fact, I feel so much better on this medication in all aspects of my life. I too tried different potions and lotions. All very temporary until Sertraline. Be Well