Do I need to self isolate with pbc
Do I need to self isolate with pbc - PBC Foundation
Do I need to self isolate with pbc
Hi deaks,
If showing no sign of symptoms then we are advised to follow social distancing.
Thankyou so much. Just worried because I work in a busy ALDI store.
I do social distancing and i only go to the supermarket when necessary its just best to be careful.i work from home also.i would worry about you working in aldi coz you are meeting a lot of customers in the day best get your doctors advice
I am a teacher and although schools are now closed, staff are expected to go into work and supervise 'vulnerable' children and those children whose parents are classed as 'key workers'. I have received notification from my union with a list of criteria that means certain staff should work from home. Presumably this list comes from the government and one of the criteria is 'anyone who receives a free flu jab for medical reasons'. As I have qualified for this jab (and pneumonia jab) this means I will be working from home. Hope this might help.
Keep safe
Maybe just take extra care are you allowed to wear gloves and a mask! Surely you could explain your PBC but that you also want to work at this important time you are doing a great service to the general public for which we thank you. Take care good luck.