Does pbc cause high cholesterol
55crousehouse : Does pbc cause high... - PBC Foundation
Yes at time of diagnosis mine was 11.7. Specialist said my cholesterol problem was secondary to my liver disease and not to be too concerned as it wasnt due to unhealty lifestyle. I do take statins and have done since.
I had high cholesterol years before my PBC diagnosis but it may contribute to those who didn’t have it before. My cholesterol is genetic so I take statins.
Studies have shown many people with pbc have a high cholesterol profile, but no confirmed cause/effect relationship. Sometimes urso lowers the cholesterol as well.
I am on statins & it is also genetic.
If you are concerned about your cholesterol, should speak to a cardiologist. They can assess your risk factors for heart issues & help manage the cholesterol.
Some of the more in depth tests to assess coronary health include:
Coronary calcium scan
Stress test
Lipid Protein A blood test
It is my understanding that there is a definite relationship between PBC and high cholesterol but that the high cholesterol is NOT implicated in causing heart problems. My cholesterol was very high at the time of diagnosis but Urso has brought it down somewhat, but not to a normal level. However, my consultant said not to worry about it and I’m not on statins.
I had high cholesterol 5 years prior to my PBC diagnosis. When I was diagnosed with PBC my specialist said the high cholesterol is because of PBC. He said they go hand in hand and my cholesterol would always be high. He said I would be on statins for life along with the Urso.
I’ve had PBC fore around 15 years
I’ve maintained a reasonable diet and life style so was surprised when 3 years ago I had to have a triple bypass and the Aortic valve replaced at the age of 57.
I believe it’s connected but the doctors seem sceptical.
I just saw my hepatologist and my cholesterol has jumped 50 points (240) in 6 months and my other lipids were also high. Never had this problem before and I have a healthy every day. He said it is very common in PBC patients. I have probably not eaten my healthiest due to several recent trips and birthday celebrations. I'm hoping I can get it down without a statin. I'm going to try and see what happens.😩
Yes mine was so high and started with Atorvastatin