Hi - I am being monitored on suspicion of PBC. My ALP 8 weeks ago was 160, was just retested today and awaiting results. Over the past 8 weeks I’ve avoided everything that could influence my ALP results. I’ve had 2 horrible colds during this time (winter in a Chicago) and really would LOVE to take some NyQuil tonight to feel better. Is this a bad move? I should also note that my ALP was as high as 240 in Sept. following thyroidectomy, and has been declining without meds since.
NyQuil & possible PBC: Hi - I am being... - PBC Foundation
NyQuil & possible PBC

I'm in Chicago too.. it's been a rough winter! Regarding cough medicine- NyQuil does have Tylenol in it which according to many drs is "ok" for PBC patients in limited amounts.
I have been dx'd with PBC and try to avoid meds that can stress liver BUT there are times when choices have to be made- and I will take an OTC Med for my neck pain so I can sleep.
At that point I need some sleep..otherwise quality of life is horrible.
Personally, I prefer to take single drugs for a cold symptom-- like if I have congestion I just take Mucinex. If I have a cough I take a bit of cough syrup. I don't take the multi symptom type things.
I see that NyQuil has an antihistamine too..
A lot of us take Benadryl(antihistamine) for itching(per our drs. Advice)
so if you just need an antihistamine Benadryl could be a good choice- and it can help you sleep.
Anyway even if you have PBC, could be very early stages and taking an OTC cough remedy probably isn't the worst thing you could do... and again not sleeping for 4 or 5 days is no good for health. But I'm not a doctor. 🙂
Hope you feel better soon, the cold viruses going around are crazy..ugh.
Btw- did you have AMA antibody test for PBC?
Hi! Thanks for your response. I’m in the western suburbs of Chicago (St. Charles) and seriously the amount of viruses is unreal! I did have a positive AMA M2, so I know PBC is likely at some point, just hoping it’s not now. I’ve been told that ALp typically doesn’t decrease that drastically on its own with PBC, but who knows!
My doc told me every once in a while is fine with that type of OTC meds. I’m just like you (also in the northern Chicago area). I am ama positive and my alp was 200 at its highest point. I was diagnosed in October of last year after a bout of sever itching.
I agree with Eileen moderation is the key and keeping up with dr apts and your lab work is important.
Hope your labs turn out good!
Check with the UK's 'PBC Foundation' website.
They host this site on 'Health Unlocked' and are one of the leading info, support and campaign groups for PBC sufferers.
You do need to be absolutely certain that you have been properly assessed and tested for the medical signs (not just symptoms) of PBC.
Just abnormal 'liver function tests' (LFTs), alone, are not enough for a diagnosis of PBC.
As well as abnormal lfts over a period of time (= alp /ast/ ggt - not all: either/or … mix or alone), you also need to have 'abnormal antimitochondrial antibodies' (AMAs) present, and/or a liver biopsy that clearly shows damage to the microscopic tubules of the liver. Any 2 of these 3 ( AMAs / Abnormal lfts / liver biopsy showing PBC) are enough for a diagnosis … but not just abnormal lfts on their own.
Hope this helsp, check with the 'PBC F' Link at right side.
Take care, Gritty
Thanks. Yes I am positive for AMA M2, and raised ALP. What they are monitoring is if the ALP elevation was correlated to my thyroidectomy or if it is PBC. My ALP rocketed the month following my thyroidectomy. But since then, the number has been declining in correlation with my TSH coming into range. It’s opposite of what usually happens, but my body does not seem to follow the textbook.
There is a Facebook group called Illinois PBCers
Yes, and it may still not be PBC. I gather that quite a few other issues, conditions, life changes etc (eg pregnancy) have an effect on the lfts that cannot be assumed to mean PBC, and that needs monitoring over time.
Hope it settles down for you and that, once your body etc has recovered from your op, you find that all returns to normal.
Take care and try not to worry - treat your self/spoil yourself!!
(In a healthy way (!) of course!!
Thanks. I’m glad this is being monitored but I feel like doctors can be quick to diagnose and sometimes don’t see the full picture. This year alone I’ve had inaccurate biopsy results, was told I had lymphoma and do not and also had a heart issue that was due to my hashimotos and had that been correctly diagnosed, I would not have needed a cardiac ablation at 35 years old! I’m losing faith in doctors being able to stop following textbook scenarios and failing to think outside of the box. I know that for 95% of people their approach works, but for the remaining 5% of people, it is a horribly frightening experience. I wonder what stress does to LFTs? Lol
How is your cold doing? Were you able to get some sleep? And I agree with Gritty.. you've had a lot going on.. Your LFTs could very well normalize. Stressful to wait and wonder I know. Take care and think Spring! We might hit the 40's soon and we change clocks on Sunday!
Thanks! Much better. I just got my ALP results. They are at 154, so they went down again. Waiting for a nurse to call and explain but happy that the result didn’t increase.
Hey that's good news! glad you got relief from cold virus and good lab report!