Im diagnosed with fatty liver disease and my lft was elevated and my anti mitochondrial test came back elevated. I'm waiting on my doctor for what he orders next. My question is what comes next? What test do I possible need?
Hello elevated LFt and ama test postive - PBC Foundation
Hello elevated LFt and ama test postive
Were you diagnosed with pbc & which country are you in? Depending on where you live the doctors prefer varied approaches.
There are very in depth blood tests focused on the liver which I assume your doctor has already done since you have the anti mitichorial test done.
I am also assuming you had a liver ultrasound since you were diagnosed with fatty liver.
If you are not already seeing a hepatologist,you will likely be referred to one by your primary doctor.
If they can’t diagnose your liver condition/conditions via blood work, a biopsy is the next step.
If you are diagnosed with pbc, here are some tests that the hepatologist may order:
1) Bone Density DEXA scan
2) Vitamin D test
3) Fibroscan
4) Periodic Blood work to check your response to meds
I am sure others will chime in as well regarding how their doctors manage their condition.
I found this to answer your questions in more detail from the European Association for the Study of the liver, which is comprehensive, but may vary a bit from the American guidelines:
I'm having a biopsy in a week. I'm a little afraid.