Does anyone know why I have to continuously log in to email every time I want to read a post? I am having to constantly enter my email and password over and over and have to re-enter it for several times to get thru all the posts on one email. This just started happening recently. I never had to do this before.
Email question: Does anyone know why I have... - PBC Foundation
Email question

That’s why I don’t log on that often, it’s a pain to thumb in email and password on my cell, I hardly use laptop. If somebody knows, I’d like to know too. Beyond mild fatigue I’ve been asymtomatic for 20 years. Ive started to itch a bit though which feels weird but unfortunately expected. I use witch hazel and coconut oil for the tching, sometime rose water.
It works well.
I’m not taking ocaliva yet. Read up and didn’t like side effects. hepetologist recommended it then un recommended it because my alkaline phosphate is so close to normal.
I think I’m asymtomatic due to diet and lifestyle. Maybe I’m lucky and could be asymptomatic and drink, eat a lot of meat and non organic, smoke, be overweight and stressed. I’m 99% certain it’s due to diet and lifestyle.
Go to the App Store and get the free Health unlocked app and you won’t have to sign in everyday!
I dont know because i can read all the posts without having to do this i can see the posts on my smartphone maybe the foundation can help