Hi, is it possible to buy a self test kit for PBC? I was diagnosed in August and don’t go back to see the specialist until February and would like to know how things are progressing.
Gillian 61
Hi, is it possible to buy a self test kit for PBC? I was diagnosed in August and don’t go back to see the specialist until February and would like to know how things are progressing.
Gillian 61
Hi Gillian61
Unless you draw blood and have a lab to test it sorry you wouldn't be able to. Pbc is a slow progressive disease and everything takes time even doctors appointments. I wouldn't worry how things are in between tests. I v been dx now 6 years and have learned not to stress to much. Take care now
Glad to help any other questions don't be afraid to ask us all, between us all on this site I'm sure someone can lesson your stress.
I dont know but wouldnt think so could you monitor it with your gp
Wouldnt think so can you have it monitored by your gp
Are you on urso there is nothing else they can give you i dont stress too much i just take the urso and hope for the best i am glad i have no symproms we are nearly into january 18 so february is not far away now
No...there is not a do it yourself test kit. If you really want, go to the primary care physician & have him/her run the same blood work as the specialist to check. But as Ballymahon2 remarked, it is only about 3 weeks till your appointment. Mind as well wait until then.
had pbc at least 19years.... its slow progressing so don't be too concerned with monitoring it...
if you have any jaundice or new symptoms then go to gp and if they are concerned they will order more blood tests...
in between try to enjoy what you can...
i was stage 4 for all those years before finally needing a transplant which i had in this year.
best wishes cazer.
I would check in with the 'PBC Foundation' who host this site - see links at the top of the page. I was under the impression that when someone was newly diagnosed, then their bloods were taken more frequently at first (maybe every month, then every 3 months and so on eventually dropping to just once a year), just to make sure that urso was working for them (I'm assuming you are taking Urso) but I may be wrong. Or, you may already have gone through that process before final diagnosis, in which case such a gap is normal.
It may also depend on where you are - I think what I've described above is typical for the UK.
As others have said, there is no 'kit' for self-testing, and it's not a good idea: I would find any such site/company rather dubious. However, if you are to be checked soon, then maybe just wait. However, I found - with my GPs - that if ever I was worried or suffering odd symptoms, they would do a liver function test, but that may be because I don't have PBC, just AMAs, and when this was first noted (for my current GPs) they monitored me more closely ... until my current (wonderful) liver consultant said he though it unlikely I would ever develop PBC - though I still have annual bloods.
Try not to worry: if you feel okay, the medication is going well and you have no bad symptoms then wait until you see the specialist, or just talk it over with the lovely advisors at the 'PBC F'.
Take care.