Still waiting diagnosis . Saw professor Pinzani at the at the Royal free. He is so very kind and caring . He even stayed with me when my bloods were taken . He booked me in for a fibro scan then and there . I was the higher. end of normal . 6. 5 was mentioned and 12 . There is some moderate fibrosis .he called me to say liver function tests still elevated . They have been for a few years now but have recently got worse. They went out of control about three years ago when I took herbal tablets of spirulina .once stopped lft s returned to normal except ggt . Bilirubin has always been normal and still is. My gall bladder was inflamed and I had gall stones near the bike duct . Gall bladder was removed in February. However lft s did not go down ,In Feb I had ultra sound , Liver MRI and mrcp all normal. I had blood tests for all auto immune disease inc autoimmune Hep and Pbc . All negative . My igm was raised . There was also some staining on one of the tests. I don't understand exactly why . No one picked up on these things. I believe they were so sure it was my gall bladder. I was very shocked and upset to find out recently I have fibrosis all blood tests have been repeated will have results on Monday . Pbc has been mentioned .i am meg for Hep a,b and c, I feel very scared a lhowever reading some of your comments have been comforting . I am not tired and seem to still have energy I little bit of itching I'm not sure of that is stress or part of whatever I have . I am so thankful I have found Professor Pinzani . He said he would take good care of me .i am still very frightened though , I am 63 and weigh eight and a half stone I do not drink and eat a healthy diet .i wish everyone good health
Thank you