Just came back from my fiberscan. I have moderate fibrosis And I am so scared. I feel great. But this worries me sooooooooo much. What can I do???
Once again worried : Just came back from my... - PBC Foundation
Once again worried
Don't stress to much bout it. My scores the last 2 years have been 8.2 10.3 13.4 and now 16.3. I tend not to worry to much bout it . And the hospital don't seem to be to worried bout it.
I have my fibroscan next Thursday. I'm a little anxious myself.
Please dont worry!
I have had scores of 16.2 and 13.6 and my consultant is not worried.
You can help yourself by not drinking,smoking eating well.
I have changed my whole lifestyle and feel great for it!
I was constantly worried when diagnosed last June and for a while it took over my life which actually made me ill!
Keep your chin up and get on with life x
I have my 6 month Ultrasound on Monday. I wish it were a Fibroscan. Ultrasound isn't as clear or definitive for fibrosis as a Fibroscan is but, this is all they have at my GI's office.
It's pretty scary that you're having no symptoms and feeling great, yet you have "moderate" fibrosis. This disease really sneaks up on us doesn't it?
Did any of your labs give you any indication of problems surfacing? For instance, were your LFT's elevated?
What stage were you in when you were diagnosed?
Keeping you in my prayers ❤
Yes they were very high. My ggt 765 and alcalina phosphate, 539. Alt and Agt are like 180 and 160. And it was a casual finding with my anual check up. So I probably have it for more than a couple of years. The good thing is I am on Urso ready. And neither week I will have my lfts done once again. Hoping the are better.
Give urso at least a month or two then your hepatic enzymes will gradually drops.. how is your total bili and Albumin ?
Albumin 4.9 and bili total 1.2 (direct 0.7*and indirect 0.5) almost normal.
Is your si unit same as in America
Good question. Let's see it's albumin 49 grm/lt and total bilis 20.2 unm
What is your normal album range
Albumin little bit high which is ok with your high liver enzymes!
Yes higher number is better then lower Albumin number for sure ! I was a asymptomatic as well but now these days hurt if I eat too much at one serving or eat too fatty or processed foods. I can feel right in my lower right quart of my ribs..
So sorry to hear that. Hope you will feel better. And we have to take this one day at a time. And all ways be positive. With God's help. Let's keep strong. All of us!!!!!
I don't have any tests one ultrasound 4 years ago at diagnosis no fibroscan. I did ask but they said bit wouldn't tell them anything relevant. X
That's interesting. My GI orders fibroscan vs biopsy, it certainly does provide information.
It would only be used here if I was showing consistently bad bloods & only when bilrubin went up. Because they tell me I obviously don't have any cirrosis cause bloods go up & down all the time. They've even said I don't have a poorly liver. Which I found hurtful. I am very sypmtomatic . I get very little information I don't know any blood figures bar one but the one is related to a muscle issue not liver. I have never had a biopsy. Just keep taking the urso. At least I'm don't get paronoyd about numbers. ( Excuse spelling brain fog lol.) X
Oh no.... that's crazy that they told you that. Fibroscan shows waaaaay more than an ultrasound will. I'm fighting now to get a fibroscan. My ultrasound showed that my liver was all normal but the technician told me ultrasound only sees tumors or cysts and not the texture of the liver. Fibroscan's see everything that matters when it comes to our livers. Here in U. S. not many hospitals even have them. They aren't cost effective for hospitals to make money!! . An ultrasound costs $2,000. A fibroscan costs $230.
I found "1" GI office that has a fibroscanner in my area. I even have insurance. But, my insurance isn't accepted for fibroscans. My insurance covered my ultrasound. It's crazy. All about $$$$.
Anyway, I'm paying out of pocket to have one in November. Anyone who has liver issues should I think. ❤