Today I Was Having A Convo With My Sister On The Phone A Good One Too Nd She Just Had A Baby March 10 Nd She Had Some Promblems Nd Think Shes Pregnant Again Nd I Thought About It I Had A Pregnancy Test And What Do I Know It Was Positive But It Was Faint Does It Really Mean Something Cause Its Faint ??
Pregnant Or Not ?? The Line Was Faint What ... - PBC Foundation
Pregnant Or Not ?? The Line Was Faint What Does It Mean??
Shameka_ I would take a test again. I actually did 3 home pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. My breasts were extremely sore and my 'period' was lighter than usual. When I went to the obgyn's office their test came back positive. I asked him what about my 3 tests and period? I discovered I was doing the test at the wrong time and that I didn't have a period I probably experienced implantation bleeding. So...make sure to do the test in the morning, your first trip to the bathroom, at the beginning of your urine stream. Good luck!
Thank Yhu For Thr Advise That Is Really Helpful Cause When I Took It The First Time It Was In The After Noon I Just Didt Understand The Line It Was Feally Really Faint Then Like 5 Days Later The Line Went Away But I Still Havent Had Af So i Gotta Be Pregnant But I Make Sure I Test Tomorrow Morning - And Thank Yhu