I started getting severe symptoms in Janurary; feeling of passing out, no appetite I would put food in my mouth and have to spit it out, and my body felt like it was on fire. It took 4 ER trips, 2 family doctor trips, a trip to the Urologist, an MRI, multiple different imaging tests, and dozens of blood tests.
My doctor hasn't diagnosed me with a deficiency yet, however I've had low bile for multiple years due to antacid use everyday multiple times a day on age 8 to 17 for a severe glyphosate sensitivity that caused stomach issues. My doctor did tell me to take 500 mcg, however I accidentally skipped 3 days and my day one symptoms came back, so I bumped my dose to 1,250 mcg since then I've had improvements, however the head pressure I get in waves specifically at night after my three doses (500, 500, then 250) of B12. If I don't spread them out then my symptoms get worse.
Last week was my first week supplementing with 1,250 mcg gummies the Methyl-... B12 , but 3rd week supplementing B12 (2 weeks prior was week 1 250 mcg, then week 2 500 mcg-750 mcg) and my symptoms seemed to be improving. This week my head pressure is worse, I can hear tiny bubbles popping in my ears, my toes go numb and tingly after taking doses, and I'm constantly hungry even though I'm hitting 75% nutrients and all my macro goals for the day. My blood sugar is testing normal as I was worried the head pressure was caused by that, and they tested my blood pressure a dozen times in the past 2 months and it's normal, I also had my eyes tested and it's normal.
The head pressure is mainly in between my eyebrows and along my eyebrows it feels my eyelids are sticky. It seems the lightheadedness and feeling of passing out has turned into head pressure. After taking doses it was getting better now it's getting more constant. Having weighted things on my forehead helps, and cold things. Like a cold rice sock helps tremendously.
I also have 3 buldging discs in my spice and an annular tear which is adding to the nerve pain. However my back pain has decreased since starting supplementation I've also had 3 physical therapy sessions.
I told my doctor my symptoms and how each time I lower my dose or accidentally miss one (which I doubt will happen again for a minute) my symptoms worsen. She said it's likely unrelated to B12. I asked her for a test to check my absorption for B12 over mychart yesterday, but haven't received a response ye. My B12 tested low-normal, but my folate tested high.
I have been plant based for a decade, zero supplementation for the first 3 years, then just fortified foods, then nutritional yeast, then I had to change my diet because I discovered a severe sensitivity to glyphosate, and I went 6 months with no B12 and then I started taking 1,000 mcg Colb-... B12 and stopped after 3 weeks and that's when my symptoms started getting severe.
I got to the point my legs were numb and I couldn't walk, stuck in bed and on the couch, now I'm using a walker and almost able to walk without it, I really do think B12 played a huge role in helping me walk again.
The first 3 times I went to the ER I was told it was anxiety and each time given anxiety meds that didn't help, I went to ER due to feeling of passing out, waking up gasping for air, severe abdominal pain (I also have ovarian cysts), burning sensation of the skin, pressure in head, and blurred vision.
I was put on a heart monitor, but everything came back normal besides a few irregular beats. As I lay here writing this I can hear my ears like there's a strand of hair inside my ear someone keeps holding tight and tapping it along with popped bubble noises, my head pressure is numbing, and my left toes are numb. The leg numbness had improved i have feeling in my right toes now.
My eyes feeling like I need to blink, but then I do and the feeling persists. It feels hot in my head, but I don't have a fever. Can anyone tell me if these are normal symptoms. I wish doctors would listen to me about this.