Greetings all! I hope this post finds you well, I am so grateful for this community.
I wanted to share something I have found more recently that helps me a bit with one of my more nagging b12. deficiency symptoms - a hoarse, painful throat. Like some of you, I have struggled with really frequent and recurrent laryngitis, especially as my pernicious anemia progressed. Since starting b12 injections, I do somewhat better but I still lose my voice really easily and I have to be very careful not to expose myself to really cold, dry air, or to talk to continuously.
It can be very frustrating, as well as painful at times. While trying to find something to help, I came upon a gummy type lozenge called 'Grether's' which I'm thinking some of you may already be aware of. They are not a silver bullet, but they allow me to speak more comfortably and to feel like I have a bit more 'say so' over whether or not I can have a long conversation with a loved one or friend on any given day. I have tried other lozenges, and generally they tend to hurt my throat more (menthol, lemon, citrus flavoring, etc) or they are rough/hard and wear my tongue down to an uncomfortable point, so they aren't really helping me overall. These lozenges are soft and don't seem to have any harsh ingredients that irritate my delicate tissues.
I'm attaching a link:
Take good care and thanks for reading this!