Please can anybody who had acne from b12 injections please tell me what you did to get rid of it. Its been 4 months at it hasn't gone
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Acne help

Mine cleared up a bit when I started taking a B complex. That was around months 4 or 5 so I don’t know if it was time related or from the multivitamin 🤷🏻♀️ thankfully mine was just on my back and it seems like such a minor thing to get upset about but it was like insult to injury
I've had problems since being a teenager. When I exercise, it is important to shower right afterwards. You could try some over the counter medications to start. Benzoyl peroxide for example. With that one, it is tricky to get the right strength so you don't dry your skin out too much. My doctor also suggested using deodorant soaps instead of normal soap since they will dry your skin a bit more. Makeup and creams might make things worse. If you have to use some, choose ones created for people with acne or better, no makeup. You could try asking your doctor if the over the counter meds don't solve the problem.
Hi, just wondered if you had tried gluten free? I had acne from teenage until 50s, threw everything at it with little benefit, and it turned out to vanish without trace after quitting gluten for an entirely different reason. I was stunned (and a little miffed that no-one ever suggested it!), but have since learned that skin reactions are common, especially in non-coeliac gluten disorders, but can be in either. (Neurological reactions also common - my neuro says that some of my symptoms will have been gluten triggered, and there are potentially links between gluten and parietal cell antibodies). Cheers
The spots specific to having b12 Injections are common.
Listed as a side effect
Sore,red ,look like white heads
Hard .
I had them on my face ,hairline, neck . And on my lips.
Least of my worries at the time .
I'd never had spots or acne before.
Like playpusprofit 8077 says ....
Insult to injury .
Don't try and squeeze them.
Keep them dry .
I had them on and off fir maybe a year.
Worse in thd first few months .
Take it as s good sign .
Waking up dead cells .
They will get fewer and then just the occasional one.
I used soap.
Also spot creams .
And lavender oil for healing.
Dab dab to stop touching them.

The acne is likely to be due to the way micro-organisms on your skin are reacting to the extra B12 in your system. Suggest you speak to a dispensing chemist and ask them what they recommend.
Don't want meds. Hopefully it will clear up
If your skin isn't hugely oily, you could do a patch test and then try coconut oil. It is the only thing I'll use on my skin and deals with most rashes, itches and grazes effectively. The lauric acid helps balance the bacteria.
take pantothenic acid
3 times a day, 500mg
Wash your face morning and night with Clinique liquid face soak oily skin formula. (Green bottle)
I never had acne until b12. This solved it
what b12 are you using (brand and form and dose)
If it's the same as mine maybe we should switch.
I mean I have been able to keep the acne at bay with the b5, (Pantothenic acid), but would rather not have to do this.
Does go away but it takes time. Nothing work’s unfortunately, mine cleared after 6-7 months.
I had it too! The nurse at the GP practice didn’t believe me when I said it was the B12. It started part way through the loading doses. Unfortunately nothing I used on it really seemed to help but in the end it did calm down on its own. I can’t remember exactly how long it took but might have been 6-12 months. Sorry, I know that’s a bit vague but it was a few years ago. If it helps, once it went it didn’t come back.
I had both the large hard acne spots and a tiny red allergy type rash. The allergy type rash cleared in a few weeks, the acne spots took much longer, quite a few months, I used tiny dabs of tea tree oil on the acne spots, I don't know if this helped but they eventually disappeared. I had so many more symptoms going on that the spots were the least of my problems. My skin is much better than it was before injections now so don't worry too much.Out of interest, what were you eventually diagnosed with if you don't mind me asking?
All testing showed normal. And I had a lot of testing done. I had perfect skin before the injections so I'm a bit miffed to be honest.
I'd rather not say the diagnosis as I know it most likely won't be recieved well here
If it’s caused by the b12 injections I should think that it will go away soon x
Yes I hope so. What I will say is this is all the tests I had done
. MMA normal
. Partial cell normal
. Serum b12 normal
. Active b12 normal (borderline)
. Colonscopy normal
. Endoscopy normal
. Pancreas testing normal
. Nerve conduction normal
. Muscle study normal
. Celiac test normal
. PA biopsy negative
. Chrons negative
I would say the diagnosis but on these types of forums it isn't always received well.