gastric cancer and PA does everyone h... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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gastric cancer and PA does everyone have bad stomach issues with PA and how long going untreated is gastric cancer risk?

JesusMercy60 profile image
8 Replies

Hello all,

so with 3 months almost of eod inj. my stomach has improved a lot. I still can't eat the vegie load I used to eat I have gained weight from 86 lbs to 100 lbs now since treatment with inj. but I keep reading about the gastric cancer on post's and I'm curious with the PA do we all have upset stomachs with fiber food I still can't eat too much through out the day without upsetting my stomach. I do take a probiotic everyday. is there also a time from of being untreated with b12 injections and having gastritis for the past 7 years that I know of a risk of gastric cancer? I've tried yogurt and any dairy gives me upset stomach and very loose bowels. thank you for your comments.


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JesusMercy60 profile image
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8 Replies
Treesong2023 profile image

Hello lovely. I can sense your worry. My mum suffered with IBS and a load of food allergies. Lots of people have gastritis ( or long term bouts of it ) for their whole lives. It isnt, as far as i know a isnt a direct or rapid cause of cancer. Lots of people have stomach troubles. I seemed to have inherit the same thing from my mum. I had gastritis and GORD etc from my 20's until now. I always ate well but, I used to travel a lot and lived in hotels and airports. That caused me to have awful Gatritis / Acid reflux issues, and to go onto long term PPIs - the omeprozole caused me no end of problems even to today. Have you been checked for allegies ..I hope you are trying lots of high protein foods...making smoothies for meals is a very good thing for sensitive stomachs.

JesusMercy60 profile image
JesusMercy60 in reply to Treesong2023

hello Treesong2023,

well thank you for replying, I'm 60 yrs going on 61 soon and the past 7 years have been leading up to this b12 D and PA and stomach problems. I'm going to have to try to learn to eat as I feel foods that will help the PA stomach I guess, I have so much to learn i guess. I do not make smoothies but I do eat and am able to handle eggs again with avocados and gluten free toast, I can't handle any fruit for now anymore. I grew up eating very healthy home cooked foods fruits vegies meat and lots of exercise but since all this my stomach just hardly digest anything. I had not ever had burning in the chest when I lay down at night but now I do, I can hardly drink water it seems to make things worse. maybe things will get better with time. I tried all the sourkrout lol i can't spell that, and yogurts for probiotics but for now I'm doing a pill form.

Have you heard of a natural remedy called slippery elm? I can relate to your experience with gut issues. I have PA and Crohn’s and have suffered for many years. Currently I’m in a very stable position (my Crohn’s has just started remission) I have included a few natural remedies to my healing process for which slippery elm in powdered form twice a day has helped tremendously to settle my gut problems. A naturopath has also given me some sound advice also.

Best of luck with your healing journey also.

JesusMercy60 profile image
JesusMercy60 in reply to GoneWithTheWind1972

good morning GoneWithThe Wind,

well thank you for this information, I'm glad that your Crohn's is healing. I will have to read up on that and also I will try to order some slippery elm. I've heard of it but never read about it. maybe they have that on amazon I will check. I'm in the US. thank you again.

Hockey_player profile image

It might be helpful to talk to a nutritionist about your issues. It sounds like you could have a problem with dairy. There could be other foods as well that do not agree with you. An elimination diet to find the culprits might be helpful for you.

wedgewood profile image

Having P.A. means that we have low or no stomach acid ) Hypochlorhydria. Achlorhydria. We need stomach acid to help us break down food so nutrients can be absorbed. Also stomach acid keeps bad bacteria on our stomach in check . If bad bacteria takes over we get stomach problems . If severe , treatment with Betaine HCl capsules are helpful . Otherwise an acidic drink like diluted organic Apple cider vinegar taken with protein meals , is useful. ( Apple cider vinegar is now obtainable in tablet form )

Take smaller meals more often .

Traditional kefir ( home made using kefir “grains “. not shop bought which is not made with “ grains” ) contains the most varied and prolific probiotic bacteria with only a trace of lactose . ( so can be OK. for lactose intolerance) Fermentation gets rid of most lactose .

Traditional kefir can be made with water .

We hear now how important our gut microbiome is. This is especially important for Pernicious Anaemia patients , who lack stomach acid

Bellabab profile image

I found that taking an Omega 3 oil capsule daily hugely helped my gut together with all the probiotics you have spoken of. It seems to get things settled quickly. Also Betain HCL before every meal. Hope you get it sorted soon.

JesusMercy60 profile image
JesusMercy60 in reply to Bellabab

good morning you all,

and thank you for all the helpfull information, I will try to look up the Betain hcl and get some on line, so yesterday I tried Fage yogurt on my toast and it did not bother me so I had some just now. I will try little by little. and I can only by the kefir on line I was looking on amazon. I live in a small town with only very general things at our store. also we don't have any specialist here in our town as far as a nutritionist but just the general doctors, I will keep on trying with the probiotics as well little by little. I do eat a lot of salmon in moderation maybe 3 times a week. hopefully with the injections things will get better. this week will be my beginning of 4th month of injections. so still early.

I was still wondering about the gastric cancer and how long having PA/gastritis untreated with b12 can put us at risk. I was about 7 years with stomach problems. I did have an endoscopy from a Dr. here and showed gastritis he said and a little bleeding with begining of an ulcer but that was it. no treatment.

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