I have been reading about achlorhydroa ( no stomach acid) and/or hydrochlorhydria (low stomach acid) as either a causal factor of b12 deficiency or strongly associated with it. Has anybody else had issues with this? Or have more information on this?
Does anyone have a problem with no/lo... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Does anyone have a problem with no/low stomach acid and does anyone have anymore information about this?

Yes ,. It’s a fact that the lack of stomach acid is in the equation for P.A
Stomach acid is produced from the parietal cells in the stomach . Intrinsic factor antibodies attack these cells and no / low stomach acid is the result (Achlorhydria/ Hypochlorhydria ) But the most important result of this attack is the loss of the Intrinsic Factor, which is needed to facilitate the transport of Vitamin b12 to our cells . The lack of stomach acid results in gut problems, amongst others , as it upsets the healthy stomach flora .The acid is needed to help break down the meat , fish , eggs and dairy products, which are the sole sources of B12 . The Proton Pump Inhibitors ( P.P.I.s ) which are freely prescribed for ‘acid reflux’, annihilate stomach acid , if taken over a long period , resulting in B12 deficiency , and can affect the absorption of other vitamins and minerals . The Intrinsic Factor Antibodies are the cause of Pernicious Anaemia, an autoimmune condition which is incurable , but can be very successfully treated with the correct amount of B12 injections , which vary considerably from patient to patient . P.A. Is a very neglected condition , about which many doctors are without in- depth knowledge . Also the fact that the present test for it (I.F.A.)is extremely unreliable when negative, is a terrible draw back . The Pernicious Anaemia Society ,founded by Martyn Hooper, is trying to rectify this state of affairs . We need all the support we can get . Best wishes .
Achlorhydria is a direct consequence of Autoimmune Metaplastic Gastric Atrophy - which is the underlying cause of PA.
Some of its symptoms are, annoyingly, quite similar to those of high stomach acid. So it often gets treated with PPIs, which obviously don’t help. Other symptoms are bloating and diarrhoea. The lack of stomach acid hinders digestion of proteins. These proteins end up in the large intestine, and the bacteria that live there have a big party. Bacteria can also invade the stomach.
It’s very difficult to get a proper test for it.
Many of us here take additional acid with large meals. Some use apple cider vinegar. I prefer lime juice (about 25 mL in a glass of something). You can get betaine.HCl tablets that release hydrochloric acid, but I found it difficult to get the right dose.
Tnx for that advice
Hi Fbirder. I’m interested in what you suggest here. I had this discussion with my gastric doc. Wouldn’t it be the case that the serum gastrin level WOULD be high as we have PA? In other words the gastrin level wouldn’t tell the doc much and we would be just as well to have the gastroscope anyway? When I suggested this to my gastro he was very short with me and said we don’t have the resources to do that level of testing! Nice!
As others have said very eloquently, B12 absorption problems can include low stomach acid. Here’s Dr Berg giving his views on that: youtu.be/8Sw61W80xZk
Text version...
Symptoms of B12 Deficiency
• Depression
• Paranoia
• Delusions
• Dementia
• Pins / Needles or Numbness in the Body
• Anemia
• Swollen or Red Tongue
• Fatigue and Weakness
**• Tremors** (mine)
Several Barrier of Absorption
• Atrophic Gastritis
• Celiac
**• Low Stomach Acids** (mine)
• Antacids
• Gastric Bypass
Recommendation: Methylcobalamin (B12) in 1000s mcg
For the stomach acid: Betaine hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar
For lack of intrinsic factor in the stomach: Zypan
Also from Dr Berg: “Allergies start from the stomach” youtu.be/ZBttSj0kLqw (I know the title isn’t perfect but the content is a match)
Here is the text content accompanying that video...
Hypochlorhydria Symptoms
• Gas
**• Indigestion** (mine)
• Burping
• Bloating
• Allergies
**• B12 Deficiency** (mine)
• Candida
• SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
• Acid Reflux
Causes of Low Stomach Acid
• Hypothyroidism
• Low Salt Diet
• Antibiotic
• Antiacid
• Gastric bypass
**• H. Pylori – Microbial Infection** (mine)
**• Low Vitamin B3** (mine)
The Heidelberg Test is a test you can do to determine the pH of your stomach.
Remedies for Low Stomach Acid
**1. Betaine Hydrochloride**
**2. Apple Cider Vinegar**
I personally take Apple Cider Vinegar pills, or liquid diluted in water, 3-4 times a day, and take one of these with lunch (my biggest meal of the day): NOW Supplements Super Enzymes amazon.com/dp/B0013OXKJA/re...
Hello, I have hypochlorhydria, pernicious anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia and IBS - they are all linked in my view and everything is finely balanced. I have pineapple juice with my meals or a few pieces of pineapple as a snack- I find it helps, I don't know why - maybe the science-y people on here can explain - I also take apple cider vinegar - its an acquired taste but it's ok diluted in water. Be aware that prescribed and over the counter treatments for acid reflux cause problems with B12 and iron deficiencies so it can be a vicious circle.
Thank you. As I thought. I still intend to arrange a gastroscopy anyway and pay for it if needed. Probably every 2 or 3 years. Thanks for responding.
Does b12 supplementation affect the serum gastrin test?
I mean for testing purposes...eg like not testing for fablus after starting b12 injections because it skews the results etc.
Hi fbirder thnx for your tips. how high gastrin is a worrying factor? I am also one of the unfortunate for not treating the PA at the initial stages by the doctors n hv high gastrin when i do the blood test in the morning. Some times its 400 or 600 or 800.(it supposed to be within 115 as per the lab reference) Anyway i am taking endoscopy once in 18 months n next time when i do i will stress for NET.