My Medical No is 112624120. (sequence of factorials).
My doctor can ring me on is 0112358132134. (Fibonacci code)
I am 48 years old, 169 cm tall, weigh 54 kg, I have 6 children.
My vital statistics are………..Sorry, I thought I was Angelina Jolie for a moment.
In 2023, The World Health Organisation (W.H.O) brought out their 11th Revision of the International Classification of Disease (ICD).
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases is :-
5B5F Vitamin B12 deficiency
3A01 Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency
3A01.2 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to low intake
3A01.3 Due to Intrinsic Factor Deficiency.
3A01.4 Due to intestinal disease
3A01.5 Drug-induced vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
3A01.Y Other specified megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency
3A01.Z Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, unspecified
Now this classification system seems to go a bit awry
6D85Y Dementia due to vitamin B12 deficiency
and continues……..
6D86 Behavioural or psychological disturbances in dementia
6D86.0 Psychotic symptoms in dementia
6D86.1 Mood symptoms in dementia…………
For me the answer is the same : 697 [ no units ]?
Using the formula of C63H88CoN14O14 (vitamin B12)
Using the periodic table, Carbon’s atomic is 6. Hydrogen’s is 1. Etc.
Therefore :-
(6 x 63) + (1 x 88) + 27 + (7 x 14) + (8 x 14) = 697.
The frequency we receive our vitamin B12 tends not to be variable. Generally, it is mean (average in mathematics). When B12 is administered at speed it Hertz. 😂🤣 you are funny. Okay, my jokes need W = F s cos θ (Work)
Impossible - I’m possible