Neuropathy & showering........ 🚿 - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Neuropathy & showering........ 🚿

Jillymo profile image
30 Replies

Has anybody else noticed that taking a shower triggers their neuropathy ? I have tried all different temperatures but still I suffer the burning and stinging in my lower limbs.

I wondered if it could be due to the force of the water hitting the nerve's that is triggering it !

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Jillymo profile image
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30 Replies
ClaireWF1346 profile image

Sounds awful!! I haven't had this, only goosebumps on my lower legs even when I'm warm. Hope you find a solution or it eases off soon🤞🏽 Maybe a nice, relaxing bath is on the cards.

Thrones12 profile image

hi Jilly. Yes I get really sore after a shower all the way down my spine and shoulders, a rheumatologist I saw said in his report it was like I had sensitivity in the skins nerve endings but he was horrible so I never went back to him, I do still get that it’s been going on for years but I think we just get to a situation where sometimes it’s just easier to accept your lot,it’s not something that gives me unbearable pain like my feet do but sometimes the burning on my shoulders and lung areas after my shower is very painful and that makes me reluctant to rush in for one. I’m just trying to cope with a multitude of other stuff now so it’s not a priority for me right now and I totally sympathise with you. Take care and sorry I don’t have any constructive advice xx

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Thrones12

What a strange lot we are. I dont get it in my chest it's my shin's and feet that are affected ! I am reluctant to rush into the shower ( nobodys sniffing me anyway) I shall use hospital bed bath wipes when I can and have fewer shower's. I also find showering wipes me out for the rest of the day.

Thanks for replying. 😘

You and I have had our fair share of pain over the years. 💐

Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to Jillymo

Gosh Jilly isn’t it sad that we have to endure all this cr.. week in and week out and we feel so unsupported. I do feel for you but other than say to you let it out here I’m not a lot of help but at least I’ll listen. At least our weather has brightened up but again I suddenly remembered just how uncomfortable I am in the heat now,my face was like a big red balloon yesterday I had such a bad day I I don’t know if it was the heat, the rage, or just sheer bad temper lol. Thank goodness we have each other here eh take care xx

Wheat profile image

hello jillymo, maybe it is 'sensitivity' as thrones12 suggests. ( The only time my lower legs had horrid burning sensation that was rapidly creeping up was with thyroid).

I went through period when water irritated skin and caused red raised rashes. I found olive oil slathered all over worked as a barrier and I could shower.

It's worth a try I suppose , I hope you find a solution to this.


Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Wheat

I dont think this is thyroid related it is definetely B12. It is the same as what I used to get before injections !

I use a magnesium oil on my legs to help with my tight muscles.

My solution is avoid the shower when able to and just have a strip wash or used bed bath wipes. I wondered if it was when I wash my hair thet triggers it. Just found this..............

Heightened Nerve Response

The pressure of water hitting your skin can get your nerves riled up. For some, it hurts while they're under the spray. Others might not hurt until after a shower when they feel the cumulative effects of stimulating their overreactive nerves.

It seems it's not just me other's with M.E and Fibromyalgia have reported the same. 😱

Correction - I have just had blood tests back ( my T4 is 9,9 which is very low ) I shall pop the results on thyroid UK and give my endocrinologist the riot act when I next see him. 😡

charks profile image

Looks like you will have to have baths in future. Personally I prefer them. Much more civilized than showers. Mind you I have issues with showers from school days. They were awful - I had typical adolescent body issues and hated having to get naked in front of other girls. And the gym teacher never gave you enough time to dry off properly.

Cb1963 profile image

When I first got diagnosed with neuropathy I didn't realise how bad it got, I put my feet in a hot bath and burnt my bum !!! I have horrible sensations and have learnt my mistakes, I've not got a shower, so options are limited, it's a horrible condition and you have my deepest sympathy.

Nackapan profile image

I couldn't stand long enough for a shower of indeed keep my balance.Even thr water in thr bath seemed to be like waves.

Also the ealls seemed to cave in / close in.

Thd feeling of being in a fish bowl.

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Nackapan

Mine is a wet room so not closed in and have a handle to hold onto if unsteady. I used to be able to nip in and out quite quickly but not any longer. By the time I struggle to treat my skin, wash my hair and gently do my feet I am now in there longer than I want to be.

I'm just going to have to smell Nackapan. 😷 I used to be little miss squeaky clean and smell like a flower but it seem's those days have gone.

I will just have to carry a fly spray with me to keep the flies off. 🤣

charks profile image
charks in reply to Jillymo

Could you not fill up a large jug from the shower and then gently pour it over yourself?.

Nackapan profile image

Yes tricky.Washing can be the days activity .

Your humour makes me smile 😃

Rexz profile image

Hi Jillymo

It could be the water hitting your skin where the damaged nerves are.

It could also be the temperature change either hot or cold that is causing changes to the blood flow to your extremities.

One of the known healing factors for any wound and this includes damaged nerves, is maximizing blood flow to that site. In this case our extremities. To do this I use exercise, massage, and lastly cold water therapy. Althetes have used this for decades where they soak in a tub of ice water. I do a much simpler version of this in my shower. First my water temp is warm as I take my shower then at the end I turn it all the way COLD!!! Yes it's shocking and you'll gasp. But what that does is constrict the blood vessels to your extremities. A natural response as your body tries to conserve warmth for your major organs. Then after a few minutes I turn the water back to warm. This dilates those same blood vessels causing a rush of blood back to your extremities. Try this although it is shocking and hard at first I find it very invigorating and the feelings in nerves are definitely pronounced. Of course I've no way if knowing which has helped more or less, the B12, the massage, or the cold water therapy, but most likely a combination of all.


Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Rexz

Hi Rexz,

Looks like I am just going to have to pen and ink and carry a fly spray to keep the flies at bay. 🤣 🪰

Rexz profile image
Rexz in reply to Jillymo

Haha, I edited this... Somehow posted before I was finished.

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Rexz

That can happen.

Dah 😵‍💫

Nana321 profile image

Yes, Jillymo, I have both legs go numb and feel very heavy when I shower. It's an uncomfortable feeling and becomes painful quickly. I can't get in or out of tub so that isn't an option. I haven't considered water temperature as a factor but it makes sense. This is such a frustrating illness that so few understand. I truly believe without this forum I would be bedbound or dead. Hang in there.

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Nana321

Hi Nana,

I'm not sure if it is down to temperature or just the force of the water hitting our nerves. What ever it is it sure is a misery.

I'm hanging. 😘

Budsa profile image

My neuropathy means that I can't sense temperature on my right leg or buttock or the right hand side of my abdomen. This is an odd feeling as I have constant burning on my calf and foot. I just feel a mild pain when the shower water hits me, regardless of the water temperature. I usually apply lots of e45 lotion afterwards. At night I apply a peppermint foot and leg gel I buy from Amazon called Footness Cooling Gel. This soothes it enough to allow me to fall asleep.I don't know if my neuropathy was caused by b12D or my ongoing spinal stenosis. The spinal surgeon said she has no idea why I suffer neuropathy on my abdomen and buttock. She has lined me up for a nerve block procedure which she says should help the burning. I am resisting her offer to do spinal decompression on L5 & L6 at the moment as the 2 people I know who had this procedure ended up worse off.

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Budsa

I also have spinal stenosis and feel just as wary as you about any spinal proceedures. The burning and stinging in the legs is worse at night and I too have found cooling gels helpful. I also have a scoliosis ( curvature ) due to an illness that caused a lack of calcium when I were young. My feet are so numb I damage my toes but havn't a clue how it has occured! Do you get similar? Thankfully there was no blood on the sheets this morning.

Numb toes.
Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to Jillymo

Oh Jilly you poor soul, I just had a thought this week funny enough,it was about “cleopatra” I know I know a moment of madness lol but my husband has a couple of nails,mainly big toenails that look pretty fungal to me ,so I was thinking about an article i read that said that Lauric acid is a great help with the gut micro biome and also good for certain fungal infections or parasites too then I read that “coconut milk “contains Lauric acid and i thought about how cleopatra used to bathe in ass milk. Maybe it wasn’t as daft as we were brought up to believe lol. So my plan is to get a couple of tins of coconut milk when i do my shop this week and test it on his feet, I so wish I could help you it must be so demoralising for you with all this stuff, you cope so well. Take care xx

Ps you could try soaking some banadages in coconut oil to nourish your poor toes it’s quite cheap to buy these days just wrap around your feet , I’d have you like a ruddy mummy 😂😘

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Thrones12

I nearly peed my self with laughter, you are a clown 🤡 I can just see myself all mummyfied.

Coconut milk and oil are good for all sorts of things and if good enough for Cleo it's good enough for us !

How do I look ?
Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to Jillymo

Nah your bum looks big in that 😂😘

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Thrones12

My bum looks big anyway. 🤣

Try wrapping me tighter.

Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to Jillymo

🤗 can’t find a mummy emoji x

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Thrones12

I know I looked for one, I cant find an ass to milk either I divorced him some years back. 😂

Xx 😘

Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to Jillymo

It’s our 49th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, booked a nice Turkish restaurant but you can bet I’ll either be Ill before it or after it, pees me off xx my guts terrible espec if I have to go to a function ,never mind my ass is still as cute as ever lol. 😍

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Thrones12

Congratulations on your anniversary 49yrs is a long time, you must have hooked yourself a goodun. I have never been to a Turkish resturant but hope you can enjoy without any ill after effects. At least your ass is cute even if the rest of you has fallen apart. 🤣

We shouldn't joke it's not funny but at least we havn't lost our humour.

Bless ya. 💐

Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to Jillymo

You too Jilly take care and thank you 🌹

Budsa profile image

Ooh, that looks sore! Probably just as well you can't feel it. I frequently check for any cuts or sores on my feet and legs as I have sometimes had deep scratches, possibly from my puppy or maybe brambles, which I did not feel. It is extremely important not to get an infection in untreated wounds.

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