Has anyone had sciatica either due to low B12 or as a reversing out symptom?Despite all my longstanding upper back pain and occasional lower back issues, I've never had this before. Hoping my increased B12 and physio sort it out.
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Hello, yes i think its part of b12d/p.a. damage to nerves. I have 'new' sciatic mainly left hip and thigh pain, sometimes down leg to foot. Also pains from spine outwards. I s.i. and too hope with treatment healing will happen. Best wishes x
I had sciatica for may years . . . . Right down my left leg it would travel. . . . . I could either lay down or walk but standing was out of the question and driving made things worse . . . . . But it gone .. . . . I dont remember how long after my B12 jabs started but it is gone . . . . It was such that wifey noticed before I did. . . . . Nobody notices a sore hear till ye have one and I wasnt aware that this torment was gone. . . . . Wifey says I walk straighter now. . . . My gait is different. . . . . . .
I have sciatica and B12 deficiency, though I’m not sure it’s the cause.
Yes I have lower back and hip pain much worse on the left side, Suesue246. Had it for several years, gradually worsening along with a stumbling left leg. Put it down to nerve impingement as shown on an MRI. Then my knees started to hurt and the right side of my back worsened. A second scan showed the right side spinal nerves were not affected, and the left hand nerve had actually de-impinged itself quite a bit! And it was around then (December 23) that I was diagnosed B12d and started loading doses - by dose 5 the back pain had almost disappeared, bliss!! But it has returned even with injections every 3 days, although it now moves around and is different in intensity every day, while he knee pain has virtually disappeared. So I am certain that most of the back pain is nerve related rather than mechanical, and await the day when it GOES! 🙏🤞
Dec 23 is not long ago and repairs are very slow so keep your chin up . . . .
Yes, there is evidence that lower back pain is associated with low b12 and can improve with supplementation.
absolutely! Back pain was my first symptom eventually 3-4 years later sciatica so bad I couldn't walk a mile. Resolved after 2 years of injecting daily. Started waking mildly 1 year in and very gradually increasing exercise.
symptoms come back if I deplete my b12 by skipping injections, extreme exercise and/or drink alcohol.
Oh yes! I have had piriformis syndrome, a new symptom after having a virus last year, and is exacerbated by sitting for long periods of time as well as depleted B12- so a double whammy! Much better when I have energy to be more active. No amount of targeted stretching seems to help, though.
I had sciatica about 10 years ago which appeared to clear up when I joined a hiking group. I discovered I was b12 deficient,upper back problems and leg weakness around 4 years ago. My doctor said they were not linked and refused to treat my b12d with injections. I was given a month of 30mcg tablets and then told ask my pharmacist for a good multivitamin tablet. Instead, I took 1mg tablets daily. Although these helped some of my symptoms they did not help the worst ones, which were leg weakness, burning leg, loss of temperature sensation from the waist down on one side, leg and knee weakness, leg twitching and foot slap. An MRI showed problems in my cervical and lumbar spine. I had stenosis, nerve compression and myelopathy. I have been offered surgery but intend to turn it down. I do not suffer from back pain but the consultant said that I would if I had the surgery. I have recently started self injecting hydroxocobalamin to see if this helps. I did 6 loading doses followed by weekly. My hope is that the b12 will repair the myelin sheath around my nerves and help protect them from contact with my spine.After 3 weeks, my lower back is definitely beginning to feel better and I have been able to up my walking from 20 minutes a day to 35 minutes a day. The burning legs etc have only slightly improved. I intend to keep this up for at least a year in the hope of further improvement.
Hopefully, this process my be helping you, too.
Thank you for all your replies. Fingers crossed all round.