I am looking for some advice before I go back to the GP next week, and I feel 'safe' asking it here.
First some background might help:
I live in Australia- GPs and their nursing staff here are no better educated than elsewhere the world, but fortunately we can buy hydroxycobalamin over the counter.
Burnout in Oct 2020 ( not C-19 related), PA diagnosis March 2023 after my gynae HEARD me when I said I couldn't believe the burnout and ongoing fatigue was due to menopause. Loading doses plus 3 monthly maintenance managed by GP gave me my life back..... for a while ( like so many, I believed my GP when told that was all there was to it)
In October, I returned from a 3 week holiday, and crashed! That is when my education truly began. Turns out I had mononucleosis... and felt like I was dying .... I probably was. My symptoms escalated daily, so I started SI while I waited for a GP appointment ( my GP still won't make eye contact when I mention it) and now am much better, but still not great.
I SI EOD, and neuro symptoms are improving but still there. Hubby often says he doesn't know which wife will wake up each day; one with some energy or one who is going to just sit and sleep all day.
I had some more blood tests last week, and have been called back to see the GP as my TSH has jumped from 2.06 in November to 4.50 ( range 0.40 - 4.00) , FT4 is 13 (10-20) which hasn't been tested before. The pathologist suggests retesting in 3 months.
My question is should I wait 3 months, or push for thyroid antibody testing straight away?
I have been looking on the Thyroid forum and I am getting in a spin! Hypothyroidism looks even more complex than PA.
Thankyou, dear friends. I feel less lonely and alone just reading this forum!