Sent to me by a friend this morning :
A very interesting and important utub... - Pernicious Anaemi...
A very interesting and important utube video

Thank you Polaris. X
This video is certainly worth watching . Thank you !
Excellent information. Thank you
I enjoyed watching the video. His brain function test was interesting. I felt like the talk was reasonable in quality, but this is not my field so I don't know the quality of the work he was citing. I don't think it hurts to make sure we are getting lots of B12 and Omega 3's. It should be noted however that the speaker does not have the greatest scientific reputation:
There is some sensible advice in the video (I've always taken Omega3 EPA/DHA) but there is a lot of nonsense too. It would take a while to go through all the issues with it but I can do so if thats something that would interest.
I would like to know what issues please!
I had a homocysteine result of 11.7 and that along with low although in range b12 were my only adverse levels.
Ok, I'll work something up over the weekend!
One of the issues could be a much higher risk of stroke……
Feeling quite strongly about this as am waiting to hear about a v. dear friend who, after a stroke, was recovering well but was never given B12 for other issues - only various strong drugs. She passed out yesterday morning and, hours later, was still waiting for an ambulance 😱 .
A trained nurse, who selflessly devoted time to others, it appears she finally cancelled the ambulance - felt that others needed it more than she did………
I take issue with the statement, “a lot of nonsense”, Technoid!
It is a long video full of valuable information so, obviously, there are going to be issues not everybody agrees with - not being NHS for starters.
Having had a t.i.a before discovering I had P.A. and high homocysteine, am wondering why anyone would want to go to so much trouble to nitpick it to pieces…..
It appears to be coming to light that anyone who disagrees with BigPh is hunted down and rubbished, such is their power.
Andrew Wakefield is an honest, brave and ethical doctor in my humble opinion 🤗
ah yes, Andrew Wakefield. I recommend that anyone interested, read up more on this "honest, brave and ethical doctor":
Or you can go down the rabbit hole like Polaris, and see how far it goes. Bring a flashlight.
Go down any rabbit hole and you’ll find BigPharma at the bottom of it….
It’s the mothers and children AW was trying to protect I feel for.
Hells, thank you for posting this. Its long, so I ve saved and will watch in stages.
Enjoy nitpicking, troublemaking and causing disharmony both of you.
Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy the peace and harmony brought by the long walk in amazing natural world 🥰
End of……
Hello polaris,
Well, I have now watched it, very interesting.
Also, taken their test and it's reassuring to have a green cognitive score above average, but not so good that my dementia risk is high.
However they do say im doing everything to combat this! but suggest I excercise! Unfortunately that is not going to happen, at least not any time soon ☹️.
Still v interesting and I m looking to improve my co-factors and supplementation. Best wishes.
That’s a great film. Very interesting. I wish I could have measured my brother’s homocysteine when he was having b12 jabs maybe he would’ve not felt so ill. Then later when he stopped the b12 he went rather insane. I’m sure that was the consequence.