Hi, some of you may remember me posting several months ago as having a bad response to b12. Gambit, you pointed me to a post from Foggyme about similar symptoms, which was really helpful.
I've not had any b12 for two months now as I want to see what is happening with my homocysteine and MMA acid levels. But my neuro symptoms are much worse than when I started b12 injections. The pain and sensitivity in my sciatic nerve is so bad I can't sit or lie on my back, so I spend my days lying on my stomach or standing up. I also can't bear having a duvet on my bottom, so have a frame to keep the duvet off me. I can go for short walks, so that is a blessing.
When I went to see my GP for a refere back to the neurologist, she refused, gave me gabapentin to take and told me to go back after three months.
I don't know where to go or who to turn to.
I live in the Berks/Oxford area and wonder if anyone has recommendations for good consultants who might help?
I'm so scared. The original b12 injections really helped with my symptoms, but after 3 weeks my symptoms came back and then got worse. I also had palpitation, high resting heart rate, massive anxiety and my body felt as if I was on fire. I was taking all cofactors, potassium, magnesium and using hydroxy cobalamin injections.
I know that I have problems with MTHRE and COMP genes but I don't really understand the implication of that.
I asked my GP to contact Dr Dominic Harrington at Guy's and St Thomas' to ask for help, but he isn't returning calls. Has anyone got help from London hospitals?
If anyone can help me in any way, I'd be so grateful, as I'm terrified.