These are medical tests which look for bacteria, viruses or fungi. They can be ordered for body fluids such as urine, blood or stools. Some of us with P.A. or B12 deficiency might have H.pylori or overgrowth of microorganisms in the small intestine. I had a stool test and gut microbiome tests. The microbiome tests showed exactly which nasties, goodies or neutral stuff a person has in their guts.
Twice, I had my own ‘probiotics’ engineered. The gut microbiome is truly fascinating. They create or breakdown special chemicals called neurotransmitters. The gut ‘flora’ influences mood, appetite and sleep pattern. It is influenced by how we are born, where we live, the food we eat, the illnesses we have had, the inoculations (vaccines) we have received. Years ago, doctors were not quite sure what the appendix did but it does play a role in the ‘gut microbiome.’
I also take a great interest in the other type of culture, preferring to be sensitive to people’s way of life and their beliefs. I am aware of the sociological and anthropological aspects that also makes us all unique. I believe that one has to be respectful, so ask questions and mimic as I do not want to make a faux pas.
My medical notes should say when I had my ‘Yellow fever’ vaccine.
I support several organisations including the P.A. Society because I am a Global Citizen. My name is not Narwhal10 but ‘Farang.’ The phonetic pronunciation of foreigner. I have been welcomed, invited into people’s homes, been given presents, waved at by many wonderful people. There are so very many people that I am grateful to. It includes a kind farmer in Cambodia who gave me a lift on his tractor because the sun was setting.
Miss Understood. ⚓