Help please!! Question about breathle... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Help please!! Question about breathlessness and heart rate

Amyflood246 profile image
22 Replies


So I know that b12 deficiency can cause breathlessness and a fast heart rate but exactly why does this happen? I have looked online and it says it’s the result of the anaemia but many people with b12 deficiency have these symptoms but do not have the anaemia so in these cases what would be the cause?

Could it possibly be that the deficiency has damaged the autonomic nerves causing breathlessness, fast heart rate, urination problems, excessive sweating etc… as I have all of these symptoms

Thank you x

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Amyflood246 profile image
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22 Replies
Nackapan profile image

Yes it can affect the autonomic function of our bodies.In exteme cases can cause POTS.

Other reasons can be low ferritin or perhaps pottassium.

I had this and in my case resolved when ferritin levels increased.

Was prescribed iron.

Potassium level fine as waxs folate

Those symptoms only appeared during loading doses as did tinnitus.

B12 Influx must have an effect firing up metabolism .

Waking up nerves ect.

I tang thd Gp once as the palpitations and thudding of heart rate breathless feeling scared me.

Wasn't even seen.

He thought anxiety.

Well I was after it had happened a few timex

But it wasnt the cause !!

Orimini profile image
Orimini in reply to Nackapan

Hi Nackapan, I am also having fast heart rate breathlessness. I have been on meconerv and multivitamins for 2 months now. Yet the symptoms persist. Could you please throw more light. Again I don't know the acronym POTS.

Orimini profile image
Orimini in reply to Orimini

Sorry, fast heart rate and breathlessness.

Orchard33 profile image
Orchard33 in reply to Orimini

My blood pressure and pulse rate have come down since SI EOD for 8 months. I guess my body not having to work so hard as by blood normalises. There's also been a gradual decline in my MCV number.

Orimini profile image
Orimini in reply to Orchard33

Hi Orchard33,Thanks for your response. The last time I checked my MCV smaller than normal, though I was already on B12 injections. The doctor prescribed iron supplements.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Orimini

My symptoms of heart palpitations ect fortunately short lived.

My daughter unfortunately got POTS an autonomic dysfunction from late diagnosis of folate b12 vit D deficiency and megobolastic anaemia


Postural Orthostatic tachycardia .

Have your ferritin levels and full iron count been tested ?

Orimini profile image
Orimini in reply to Nackapan

Yes. The iron is at the baseline. Thanks for your response.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Orimini

It was the ferritin level although 'In range ' was 29 (range 11 upwards Before b12 treatment started it wax 61

( can't remember measure


Many doctors said to keep it above 50

Whrn mine reached 48 those particular symptoms stopped along with shaking .

Ferritin often overlooked in the while iron picture.

Ferritin can be raised when inflammation in the body .

Worth looking into your blood results .

Orimini profile image
Orimini in reply to Nackapan

I don't have my blood results with me here. I will post it later but I remember my b12 was at the abysmal level before I started treatment last year. For decades now, I have been on ulcer drugs. I never knew they have affects on vitamin absorption. I have been suffering unexplainable symptoms for years. I complained to doctors but they only gave me more ulcer drugs and pain killers. I got to know about b12 deficiency last year. The doctors never believed me. I had to undergo the tests on my own. Yet they rejected the results. After visiting this forum, I started self- treatment. I have been suffering the symptoms until 2 months ago when one doctor prescribed meconerv forte, ginsomin, ligaba, Melatonin and analgesics. The symptoms sometimes feels better and sometimes worse to the point that sometimes think it is not b12 problem again. I only rely on the information I get from this platform. Please I need any information that can help me. I'm really suffering.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Orimini

As I said get iron and ferritin checked and folate, vit d

,pointless doing b12 as on injections.

If concerned get seen .

A heart trace can be done ect.

I had that as did daughter in accident and emergency at the hosputal .

BP monitor ect.


Might be the drugs you are on??

I had to push to be seen every time .

Orimini profile image
Orimini in reply to Nackapan

Thank you Nackapan. How is your daughter doing now? Hope she has fully recovered now. I really need experienced persons.

Amyflood246 profile image
Amyflood246 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you, my iron and potassium are both good at the minute. The breathlessness and the fast heart rate were 2 of my earliest symptoms but the still haven’t cleared after 8 months of every other day injections. Hearts been checked and it was fine! That’s why I’m wondering if it’s autonomic nerve damage x

Rexz profile image

It happens with B12 def and resulting megaloblastic anemia because your blood is unable to carry enough oxygen to your cells. Your body is suffocating at the cellular level. Each cell is screaming to your nervous system "hey I need more air here!" In response your heart beats harder and you're trying to take in more air to no avail. Because your heart is beating harder this causes higher blood pressure. These symptoms mostly would dissipate after B12 levels were corrected.The other issue that causes similar symptoms for those with Autoimmune Metaplastic Atrophic Gastritis (AMAG), of which PA is a symptom, is iron deficiency caused by malabsorption if iron due to low/no stomach acid. This is a double whammy for those with AMAG. Not only are you not up-taking iron but due to the chronic inflammation your body naturally sequesters the available iron to make it unavailable to what it thinks is a virus it bacterial infection. Viruses and bacteria need your bodies iron in order to replicate. So ferritin alone is not a valid marker for those with AMAG as ferritsn should keep there ferritin low end above 100. See my post on IDWA. There is more info with references.

Hope this helps some, Rexz

Amyflood246 profile image
Amyflood246 in reply to Rexz

Hi. Thank you. But what I was asking was what causes the breathlessness in the cases where there is no megablastic anaemia? My iron is good at the moment so I know it’s not that. Breathlessness was one of my earliest symptoms along with a fast heart rate and neither of those have cleared up yet. Even after 8 months of every other day injections. I have had my heart checked and all is good so I’m wondering if it’s autonomic nerve damage caused by the deficiency? X

Rexz profile image
Rexz in reply to Amyflood246

I imagine it could be autonomic nervous system but I've no experience or knowledge of that.

WIZARD6787 profile image

I experienced breathlessness when I first started injecting. I did not when the fatigue was so severe that I could only walk 50 feet.

It was helpful for me to know that although it felt like I was starving for oxygen the cause was a build up of carbon dioxide. Expelling air was what was needed. breathing into a paper bag is effective for some.

I experienced expecting to be out of breath and that caused me to be out of breath. It helped to be aware of that aspect.

It is distressing to be sure.

Amyflood246 profile image
Amyflood246 in reply to WIZARD6787

Thank you. How did you find out about this? X

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply to Amyflood246

I discovered the concept of having been out of breath causing my body to be out of breath from a video posted here on that phenomenon associated with back injury that had been repaired and the people were still experiencing pain which went away once they stopped treating their backs the same way they did prior to the injury. I adapted the concept.

That the body senses the build up of carbon dioxide and not the lack of oxygen was from a Navy Seal who I ran into long ago. If you empty your lungs with two breaths and then take a deep breath you can instantly swim further underwater. It is amazing.

The breathing into a paper bag when hyperventilating is used commonly and some find it helpful when they feel they are "starving" for air.

am111 profile image

I had normal bloods and a fairly high haemoglobin but still experienced breathlessness and a high heart rate. This would be worse when I climbed stairs etc. From what I understand, B12 is needed by the body for energy and these are all just signs of exhaustion or lack of energy in the body/muscles.

Another reason this happens with me is that B12 deficiency causes GERD in me and GERD can lead to some kind of breathing problems due to tightning of muscles in the chest. This also leads to breathlessness for me and a high heart rate, as the body does not get enough oxygen. I have to take a PPI to control these. If you feel a tight chest when you breath me, then you have GERD and antacids will relieve these symptoms.

Amyflood246 profile image
Amyflood246 in reply to am111

Thank, at one point I did have anaemia caused the b12 deficiency but this has resolved now since being on the injections and my haemoglobin has always been good but the breathlessness and high heart rate hasn’t yet resolved! I have GERD too and I take omeprazole x

am111 profile image
am111 in reply to Amyflood246

If you feel difficulty or a tightness in your chest when you BREATH IN, then the GERD is causing the breathlessness (asthmatic patients have difficulty BREATHING OUT). Even with a PPI, I have breathlessness when my B12 is not managed properly. I am still improving and I hope this will go away completely, but if not, I may have to go with GERD surgery (such as lynx).

B12life profile image

I can't explain why but I believe it has something to do with the cells not being regenerated properly. This all sorts of things are impacted even though it doesn't show on tests. It could be that they don't do the right test like a blood smear. But the fact that we have cells not regenerating due to the b12 defiency just isn't picked up by the routine tests until it is way too far gone. It's ridiculous.

That being said, I gave up on the why after my symptooms resolved.

It was a year and a half of daily injections before my heart rate started to normalize. At which point I was easing my way into more and more exercise. My resting heart rate used to be over 100, with bad heart palpitations at night. Now my resting with way too much caffeine is 75.

Stick with the injections. Give it lots of time. Don't space them out.

The first year in the half is the biggest up hill climb.

I went from bed ridden to climbing mountains and an almost normal level of abilities. I do still notice a bit of brain fog and mostly coordination issues. However I am so amazed at the level of recovery. There is hope.

I don't have any issues with iron or thyroid. So gor me it was a Little easier to solve.

I still do Daily injections. Have tried but not been able to taper off. I believer that exercise helps metabolize the b12 injections, but it wasn't something I could do much of in the first year due to the exhaustion.

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