A Little of My Heart: When I first... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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A Little of My Heart

Narwhal10 profile image
16 Replies

When I first caught a glimpse of you, I thought, ‘Yes, not long now.’

When I gently encouraged and directed,

When your head started to emerge,

When I gently pressed down and saw how quickly the colour came back, I knew you were well,

When I positioned my hands in anticipation,

When I saw you rock back and for,

When I said, ‘Just gently pant and slow your breathing’,

When I told your mummy that she was in control, ‘Just slow, nice and gentle, ‘You ARE in control’.

When I said, ‘Yes it will burn but the slower the better’.

When you were crowning, I gently reminded your mum, ‘Just pant, gently blow, things need to stretch.’

When I coaxed ‘Stay calm, really calm, you are in CONTROL.’

When I saw your head being born, telling your parents their little one needs to make another manoeuvre.

When I encouraged your mum, ‘Babe is ready, so give a big push, all the way down.’

When I welcomed you into the world and wiped you with a towel.

When I reminded your parents that it can take a whole minute for the changes to occur so you take your first breath.

When we heard you crying for the first time,

When I scooped you up placing you next to Mum’s skin and introduced you to your parents.

When I wished you ALL a happy, healthy life together, I wanted the best for you.

When I checked you all over, stroking your head, checking your face and mouth,

When I giggled as you clutched my hands showing how strong you were,

When I felt your chest, your abdomen and rolled you over checking your spine,

When I stroked your gorgeous, velvet feet,

When I gave you back to your parents, saying, ‘You were perfect.’

When I went to the doctor saying, ‘I feel very unwell, I have hand tremors, my memory is so poor, my feet hurt, I feel faint’.

When I was too ill to do my job I crawled into bed.

When I spent years in bed, crippled in pain.

When I finally had the right blood test taken, after years of the unknown.

When I spoke to a doctor who actually looked at my notes.

When I heard I needed treatment.

When I started reading on the subject, angry that I had not been taught,

When I frantically thought had I missed anyone ?

When I searched for names, remembering faces and details.

When I silently screamed, ‘Who else have I let down ?’

When I remember those who possibly had misdiagnoses, I hung my head in shame, tears burning my cheeks, ‘If only I had known,’

When I know I would have listened, learnt and supported,

When I remembered how often I had confidently told parents, ‘I am sorry, I do not know, the human body is complex, we are all so very different but I will try and find out’.

When I could not sit, stand or walk and control my bladder.

When I was not listened to.

When you demanded to know, Why I was not better !

When I laughed at you for your idiotic ideas.

When I said, ‘They would not believe me,’ and growled, ‘Look at the state of me’.

When I heard your sheepish apology but you could not hold my gaze.

When I met you and I thought, ‘Thank goodness’.

When I sat in the ER waiting room, holding onto the sides of the chair trying to control my tremors,

When I repeatedly told myself for hours, ‘Do not throw up, do not pass out,

When I saw you have a seizure, I shouted in a deep, loud voice, ‘Nurse, seizure,’ sliding to the floor.

When I noted your airway, moved your bag out of the way, so you would not hurt yourself and put your phone into your bag,

When finally I could lie down, a wave of relief,

When I was admitted to a ward and I recorded the details in my diary.

When I had an MRI.

When I was discharged home.

When again, I was disbelieved and disrespected.

When I was ignored, disregarded and judged.

When I heard, I am amazed you are still alive, THAT is when I felt acknowledged.

When I asked, ‘Could I return, possibly in a couple of years ?’

When I was told, ‘Your body would not cope, you would let your colleagues down.’

When I thought, ‘Never say Never !!!’

When I heard of yet another ‘avoidable death’, my heart hurt, tears flowed and again, I was choked with emotion,

When you looked utterly confused and I played with you, subtly challenging you.

When I sat there, straight faced but inside I was laughing at you.

When I continued to test you and test you and test you and test you.

When I reported them, knowing that this was just the start.

When I remained calm at the calls I received, giving snippets of vital information.

When I could not keep up the façade and an email was sent.

When I heard the words, ‘I’ll do anything to help’.

When I read the empty words of, ‘We love and miss you,’ I thought, ‘You do not know the meaning’,

When I received a letter from an obstetrician who had just returned from Nigeria, my heart soared.

When they would wake me up to give me my medication, I sarcastically mumbled how certain banned ‘wonder drugs’ were,

When I was given neuroleptics, I would ridicule how great particular imprisoned doctors were and how amazing dictators were and named them,

When I was repeatedly asked whether I had been smoking a psychoactive drug.

When I humbly observe the Wave of Light (SANDS) and remember those parents and their angels I had cared for.

When I gave you literature hoping you would remember your anatomy and physiology.

When I remember, ‘We do not make assumptions, we do not fill in gaps, we properly physically assess, using our hands, our eye sight, we actively listen and we EMPOWER.’

When I read that £500 was awarded for the distress of inaccurate information.

When I read you falsified records, HOW DARE YOU !!

When I made mistakes, I apologised and it made me want to learn more, to do better,

When I put a sticker on my room door of Sooty, the subtly of calling them puppets was lost,

When I hear the echoes of my father’s voice, frequently saying, ‘People lie, even under oath’.

When I silently promised to, ‘Do No Harm’.

When I politely declined, ‘I am sorry I cannot, that is not what I am about, I am grassroots’.

When I saw that my name was removed, it gave me more freedom.

When I searched and saw what people wrote about themselves.

When I listen and discuss true contentment and ego.

When I had your hand in my face to stop me speaking,

When I had to explain what sleight of hand is to an employee,

When I whisper and cry, ‘I have no idea how you feel, I am so sorry, I cannot bring them back.’

When I listen to another medical lecture.

When I remain quiet, just watching, patiently waiting and waiting.

When I know there is always a time for everything.

When I have everything in place,

Then I WILL and,

From then on I WILL,

We are not animals, for they get better treatment than us,

This is not a developing country, so, ‘Why do you deny us ?’

I cannot work for Medicins Sans Frontier but

Know this and my words are true, their deaths will not have been in vain.

I think of them every day and every day, I know that


And I WILL continue to…………


Written by
Narwhal10 profile image
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16 Replies
WIZARD6787 profile image

Thank you for sharing! Good effort! Hard work that! 🧡

jade_s profile image


Rexz profile image

Narwhal, what a powerful well written piece! Especially on a topic one would not ever wish to write about. Thank you so much for sharing this.Rexz

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to Rexz

It was a pleasure, I needed to express my emotions and for other people to understand the reality of this illness.

It was in honour of several young men and a young woman; their families and friends.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Narwhal10

Powerful. Also very moving .

The celebration of birth totally underestimated .

Your description is great .

Feeling in control in many situations of pain very helpful .

Illness and death , the reality of this illness often as you so eloquently put so misunderstood.

Being believed is so important even if no answers .

A quiet presence and actions speak louder than words were my late dad's wise words.

Thank you

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to Nackapan

Oh Nackapan,

I know your work history too. 👍🏻. We are known as mad wives.

I would do the birth dance with a woman which opens out their pelvic outlet and facilitates babe into position. I worked with lots of brilliant women and part of a team. One particular awesome sister stands out. Every year, she would book off time to go to Notting Hill carnival. So, we would shimmy up the corridor or writing notes stood up, wiggling our booties. When it went wrong though, we would all jump straight to it.

On one occasion, a new consultant came in to review a woman in my care. Then asked whether they could stay because they rarely saw the wonders of natural childbirth. It put a big grin on their face. 🤩

Ghound profile image

Hi, Thank you ! That is a marvellous piece of writing

- I am in tears reading it.

Wishing you all the very best xx

Narwhal10 profile image

It is for those who died as a consequence of P.A./vitamin B12. They will not have their deaths’ recorded properly.

It acknowledges the the utter despair and devastation of the families and friends who have been left behind with no proper Public Inquiries or answers because the system is severely failing them.

As per usual, I have a strategic and organisational plan.


Rexz profile image
Rexz in reply to Narwhal10

And there are many, many who die today if this disease completely undiagnosed. I cared for my father as I watched him whither away to nothing, he was blind, bedridden, and had lost his mind. I felt completely helpless. It was only Four years after he passed that I too began to have these same symptoms. It is not lost on me that if I knew then what I know now I could have saved him as I saved myself. It is criminal how the medical industry is so ignorant if this disease. OK that's my rant for the day. 😎

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to Rexz

Oh Rexz,

I am so very sorry to read that. Both for your father and yourself. That is not a life for him nor for yourself. Families do feel utterly helpless and it must have been an awful experience.

Palliative care is a specialty in itself. I am pleased that you were able to do your own research and are still here to converse with me. Plus, setting up your own website. You are a star and a fine example to us all.

Well, me, I thought, I would go back to what I am good at. Seeing as I love planes so much, on 14 February 2024, I will throw myself out of one from 10,000ft and reach a speed of up to 125mph!! I will have a tremendous view of water.

Who shall I get to sponsor me ? Meh, it would maybe, include all the people who misdiagnosed me. 🤣😂

Rexz profile image
Rexz in reply to Narwhal10

Narwhal10, WOW!!! that is crazy. I love it though! I've marked my calendar says "friend doing crazy thing at 10k ft!"

Please give us a report on how it was.

I'm sure if you give yourself a B12 shot just prior to the jump you can reach 130mph! 😂

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to Rexz

🤣😂 Well, I had a memo from Evil Knevel informing me of the drop zone. I intend to shout G-FORCE on descent !!


Myanna23 profile image

Absolutely amazing....my spine is still tingling, powerful words.

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to Myanna23

Thank you Myanna23,

Yesterday, I saw an acquaintance who is much younger than myself and she was talking about her grandmother who has dementia. So, I touched her on the upper arm. She thought I was comforting her, so told me she was ok. Then I placed my hand on one of her shoulders and asked whether it was the same. Then 2 hands on both shoulders and asked was it the same.

I bear hugged her and whispered, ‘The same ?’ in her ear. ’ Then I put my right hand on the top of her head and the back of her neck. She said, ‘Wow, that’s amazing.’ I explained, it is one of the strongest neural (brain) pathways because it is the first touch a baby will feel. My acquaintance wanted more, so me being me, picked her up and swung her around like she was a child.

I knew there was something wrong as a gentle hug from my grandmother hurt. 🤓

EllaNore profile image

That was really very beautiful and invoking and gut-wrenching and heartwarming and oh so absolutely true. Thank you so much narwhal10 for sharing your beautiful heartfelt words with us.🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

MePo profile image

Thank you, for so many reasons 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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