Could an administrator advise. A haematologist has just diagnosed me with blood macrocytosis and taken further blood tests. I had a holding dose of B12 from an osteopath as I thought I had PA. Haematologist said my haemagloebin is high and no PA. I felt very sick having the injections and now am having chronic diarrhoea and blood specked vomit. Did I do the wrong thing because my doctor doesn’t know. He agreed a B12 every 3 months which I had before the holding dose. Thank you.
Bleeding stomach: Could an... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Bleeding stomach

So sorry to read of your horrible situation.
I am not a medic but if it the UK call 111.
You may need to go to A&E.
Spoken to doctor who said if blood goes bright red then straight to hospital. It is dark red now. He has given me medication. Thank you for your reply 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
OK but don’t be a hero! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I won’t be although I am petrified as this is the second time it has happened, the first time after vomiting after strong antibiotics. You are really kind Wwwdot, I appreciate it as I feel very alone right now.
Please don't feel alone. You aren't.I'm no good with medical 'stuff' but I am going through a very scary time too and I promise I will think about you. X
Oh Meerkat I'm sorry too. I agree with going to A&E, perhaps you have a bleed somewhere, not normal to be vomitting and not normal to be vomitting blood 😰
I would also ask for a referral to gastroenterology if the issue continues.
Those are not typical side effects of B12 so it sounds like something else is going on (except the macrocytosis can be B12/folate deficiency).
Take care x
Hi jade-s It isn’t normal although two paramedics on phone and my doctor didn’t seem bothered. I didn’t think it could be B12 injection. In the Early 1990s my old doctor sent me for an endoscopy for a suspected ulcer but the doctor said it was clear. It is frightening.Thank you for your concern and kindness. I really appreciate it. 🦋
Goodness I think these days it's not even enough that we would crawl through their front door on our hands and knees to be taken seriously, do we have to be dead before they take action?
Trust your instincts - this is not normal - and go to A&E. "Coffee ground vomitus is an indication of internal bleeding somewhere in your upper GI tract. Your upper GI tract includes your esophagus, stomach and the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). There are many possible causes, but internal bleeding is always treated as a medical emergency."
Based on your TUK post. If/when you go to A&E tell them that you have coffee ground vomit! They should take you very very seriously.
I went to the hospital last time it happened and the doctor said just keep an eye on it. I have spoken to three paramedics, one doctor and one clinician. If it happens again I promise you I will go to hospital. Thank you 😊 for your support and concern. 🦋
Good to hear. I hope you feel better soon 🙏🦋🌈🌻
Thanks so much jade-s. I am now getting bad side effects from the doctors medication. I am so tired 😪 of feeling so unwell. It helps though to have encouragement from all you lovely 😊 people. Thank you. 🙏🦋
Oh dear I'm so sorry 😰 Do you live with anybody that can keep an eye on you? A neighbor that can check in?
Will be thinking of you - please let us know how you get on 🤗🤗🤗
Don’t panic. My husband is here with me. I am not alone. Sorry if I worried you. You have a very tender heart bless you. I will definitely let you know how I feel. 🙏🦋🌈🌻
I have lost faith in doctors after my recent diagnosis of which was acute pancreatitis bought on by a short course of steroids and suddenly told just to stop taking them. I don’t want to worry you but internal bleeding is something that needs to be addressed promptly. A ultra sound or some other form of scan to identify what is causing the bleed.Good Luck.
I would ring 111 at least you are on the radar then as evening is upon us shortly 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Good. Sending huggy vibes across the airways!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Hi Meerkat1234 - just wanted to clarify that HU and this forum aren't substitutes for medical advice and the forum isn't administered by medical professionals.
Hope you manage to get the answers you need.
Not sure why a haemo would say you can't have PA because your haemoglobin is okay - PA affects B12 and can lead to macrocytosis. Macrocytosis isn't present in 20% of patients when they first present with B12 deficiency.
morning x please go to a and e or call 111 again at the very least. You need this seen by a doctor …. Best to be cautious and be seen than be sorry you didn’t xx big hugs. Blood in your vomit is concerning
Any bleed internally has to be checked out -period. Stools it can appear as odd colour not the usual brown, bright red lower down can be piles etc.
Upper case, bright red can be any place between mouth all the way down to and including stomach. Brown - digested and could be slow bleed. ALL abnormal and must be checked out indepenant of other medical issues, One area often overlooked is oral medication side effects. Just a few things we little people can spot when things become out of kilter, you know your own body better than anybody else .
What on earth are these morons thinking - this is classic symptoms that were always checked out till source located and treated. You poor lass, don't stop till all areas checked and declared ok - slow bleeds can leave a person anaemic and listless etc, root cause has to be dianosed.
Great world we now live in, seems we will have the leeches back as we are now going backword to the good old days!
God bless.
Hello Islandlass. Been checked out at the hospital now. Thank you 🙏 for all your information. You are very kind. I appreciate it and God Bless you too.
Not going to say a whole lot here, but B12 every 3 months is like giving only a drop of water to someone who was just rescued from being lost in a desert for 2 weeks.
Seriously, you have to fight for your health. 😀😀