Vitamin B12 deficiency is underdiagnosed — here’s what to look for
July 17 2023, The Times
The last thing a beleaguered NHS needs is more custom, but that’s not the responsibilty of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) and is unlikely to hold much sway as the organisation finalises its first ever formal guidance on diagnosing and treating vitamin B12 deficiency. Put simply, B12 deficiency is both common and underdiagnosed and the new Nice guidelines (which are still in draft form) are likely to lead to far more people being tested and treated for the condition. Might you be one of them?
B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells and normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Deficiency can cause numerous symptoms (see more below) ranging from lack of energy, memory issues, a sore tongue, weakness and pins and needles, to anaemia, breathlessness, confusion and, rarely, even paralysis and death. It is easily missed because it tends to develop slowly over a few years, and the signs may not show up in routine blood tests which don’t check levels of the vitamin unless specifically requested.
it’s a lengthy article but very interesting.
Take care everyone x