Hi all.
I've been having some concerning symptoms for about 3 months.
It all started with random abdominal pains and low back pain.
It is now radiating down my groin and into the backs and sides of the thighs.
I saw my GP last month as the stomach pains are now very bad, horrible burning pain, reflux, stabbing pain in the stomach and all over abdomen. She suggested "mild gastritis" and gave me omeprazole which I have stopped taking after a week as it was doing nothing.
For the last month, since saw the GP, I have had the following symptoms:
1. several mouth/palate ulcers
2. stabbing leg and arm pain, shooting type pains in arms and legs particularly behind knees and inner crooks of elbows
3. constant pins and needles in my hands and feet combined with "dead arm" feeling
4. muscle twitches in my biceps, triceps and thigh muscles (exactly like the kind of eyelid twitch you get when you are tired, but in the arm and leg muscles). I've also had a few twitches in the abdominal muscles and neck muscles. They are gone too fast to film them on my phone though I have tried! Muscle twitches about 10 times then eases off. Quite frightening. Happens several times a day in various limbs.
5. a small patch of hair loss on my front hairline
6. zinging electrical stab of pain in my ear and across cheek. This has happened maybe 10 times in the last month.
7. anxiety
8. very tired
9. very low back pain combined with "stabs" of pain in the kidney areas.
I had a CT scan of the kidneys a few months ago and kidney stones were ruled out. They apparently did a CBC which was "fine".
So - I am thinking perhaps the "mild gastritis" I have is actually atrophic gastritis (I have had heartburn for years) and that I am now showing signs of B12 deficiency.
My GP has been so unhelpful, they never get back to you with test results etc and I am loathe to keep visiting them as you a)struggle to get any kind of appointment and b)never see the same GP twice and so have to explain the whole story again by which time your allotted 10 minutes is up.
I have ordered a B12 test online (from Superdrug!!) which tests active B12, Intrinsic factor antibodies and Folate levels. The blood is collected at home and sent to an outside lab. Do you think this is a good start? If the results come back normal can I eliminate B12 deficiency from my potential diagnosis? If it is positive for Intrinsic factor or low B12 is this enough ammo with which to confront my GP that I need more investigations (ie gastroscopy etc)?
Finally, do you think my symptoms could be indicative of low B12 even though my CBC taken in hospital was apparently "normal"?