Hi, I just had my second consult with private consultant (recommended by PA Society and some good folk here) who seems up to speed with current B12 diagnosis and treatment. My symptoms (typically associated with B12 deficiency) have much reduced after 9 weeks of SI every other day. As a result he is confident with his diagnosis and has written t my GP to state he believes I have "immune-negative pernicious anaemia (B12 deficiency)" and that the problem is with my stomach, despite auto-immune tests being negative.
My periods have been more frequent this year and have always been fairly regular and often heavy but not unbearable. When I started B12 loading doses 9 weeks ago, my periods stopped altogether. I thought maybe this was a coincidence as I am 46 and around the time of pre-menapausal.
I forgot to inject over a week ago and missed a day. I had a period which lasted 4 days or so. I resumed back to normal every other day injections. At the weekend after no period for 2-3 days, I forgot to inject again and he next day, I bled again a little. This was Monday.
I told my consultant about this and he had no explanation. Due to my positive response to B12 therapy, he recommend trailing every 3rd day injections and emphasized this is a trail and is very much patient led and to keep an eye on my symptoms...
So today was my 2nd day without an injection and I bled again.
The questions I am asking myself are:
1. what is causing this and is it actually connected to B12 therapy and the frequency of injections
2. Therefore should I continue on every other day SI or try every 3rd day and observe what happens?
Does anyone have any advice or information to share please?🙏