Is P/A caused by MACD, and if so how do you treat both without becoming allergic to the B12 shots which are histamine triggers meant to be avoided?
What is the difference between undermethylation/histamine sensitivity and MACD?
Is P/A caused by MACD, and if so how do you treat both without becoming allergic to the B12 shots which are histamine triggers meant to be avoided?
What is the difference between undermethylation/histamine sensitivity and MACD?
MACD appears to be a rare genetic disorder, so it is something you are born with and won't be caused by
B12 deficiency can also affect the processing of fats by cells so it may be that the PA has exasperated the problem.
I've never come across anything saying that B12 is a histamine trigger so if you have a source for that ...
Allergies to B12 are extremely rare
Please note that this forum isn't a substitute for professional medical advice. Your questions are very technical and you might find that talking to a suitably qualified medical professional is the best way to get them answered.
From what I've read, low B12 can cause histamine intolerance.