Palpitations after B12 loading dose h... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Palpitations after B12 loading dose has finished

JayBee2021 profile image
23 Replies

Hi , after being hospitalised after my 2nd Covid jab with bad side effects , it was found that I had a Vitamin D deficiency ( 9.3) and also a B12 deficiency (183) . I have just finished my loading injections 2 weeks ago of which I had 6 over 2.5 weeks . Although , some initial benefit was felt (I was no where near as out of breath as before ) the levels then seemed to stay the same , however over the last couple of weeks my chest has felt tight and it keeps feeling like I skip a beat which can make me cough . Its usually just a single cough not an ongoing thing. I just put this down originally to my metabolism being speeded up but its still happening now I've finished my course . My nerves feel shot, I'm still tired and my moods are really up and down . My whole body is tingly and dithery. Has anyone else experienced this ? I have read that a rare side effect of the loading doses can be palpitations but this has only started since I finished the course . Did my body receive too much I keep asking myself ? I just want it all to wear off and to hurry up in doing so, or is this just another ongoing symptom of the Covid vaccine ??? who knows - the professionals dont seem to ?????

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23 Replies
Nackapan profile image

It could be either.I had palpiations s when b12 was low as well as low ferritin.

Low ferritin made me breathless and shaky.

That resolved when ferritin kevrhs rises.

The palpitations I got akso went after a few months I think of b12.

I akso had a reaction to my first dose

Of covud vaccination.

Two of the symptons were a very tight chest.

And breathing difficulties.

Both quite different from b12 deficiency symptoms .

B12 will support you

Obviously I'm not a medical expert but my money woukd be on your bodies response to the vaccine.

Get your vit d up.

Keep a maintenence dose of b12.

Check bloods done ti see if folare abd ferritin and iron okay.

As a vaccine response I. Hoping it will all calm down for yiu

I was not hospitalised but sent fir full bloods snd platelet levels

Was very ill.

Have however got back to pre vaccine.

12 days after brain woke up

Initially bedbound then housebound

14 weeks ago now .

Hope yih recover soon.

At least second one


We're you okay after first one,?

Good they discovered low b12 abd low vut d

Dud you have any symptoms before vaccinations?

Some operate okay at thoses levels

My husband was as j asked him to check b12. His was 180(200-900) range

He took oral b12 and absorbed them and got his level up.

Felt no different

So nipped in the bud i hope for you.

JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you for your reply , I didnt have any palpitations before with the vaccine symptoms and have only had them since the end of my b12 . All my other blood result levels were normal . Im hoping that it will all settle down , as I also have Fibromyalgia to deal , so lots going on beside.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to JayBee2021

So was tge breathlessness the reason you were hospitalised after your second vaccine?

So you shoukd have had tests done for reassurance .

No you don't need 'extras'

You are right in reading the liadng doses of b12 can put you nervous system I'm overdrive waking up dormant nerves

I hioe youve got a maintenence dose set up. 2- 3 monthly ar least

Oh I see palpitations only after b12 injections. Should settle them.

Lijevyih say metabolism speeded upand nerves re awakening.

I had them during loading doses too

Also are you aware of the yellow card reporting system online?

You may be overwhelmed with b12 but you cannot overdose.

JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Nackapan

No i didnt have them after the vaccine , theyve just appeared 2 weeks after I finished the loading doses , but my chest has felt tight for a couple of weeks . I was quite worried as its almost like im skipping a beat but after reading some of the posts on here it seems a norml thing . I was tested for intrinsic fctor antibodies and it came back negative so my gp has said its diet related . Although Ive been a vegetarian for over 46 years and a gluten free and most dairy for over 3 years and nothing like this has happened before . I'm convinced its to do with the vaccine . My gp has said no more injections and that i will be retested in 12 months time , and has even told my husband that the loading doses will stay in my system for 2 years but I know thats not right and the nurses who gave the injections said it wasnt either and that normally i would have injection every 3 months now . Personally i dont want any more if this is how im going to be . I have to speak to my gp next week so will let him know what is happening and see what he says .

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to JayBee2021

B12 takes a few yesrs to deplete as you have stores in your liver. So you've not even had a chance to see if oral b12 will wotk for you

It's wasn't extemtly low and if you didn't gave deficiency symptoms you may well be okay to top up your 0diet with b12 tablets.

Even though your diet had kept you well the exclusion of diary plus a natural lessening of stomach acid may just have been enough to start depleting stores.

Mine happened after the menopause. I now know a risk factor for not absorbing as well from food

Hence the 50+ range have higher amounts of b12 in their vitamin mixes.

Noone told me either.

I was told dietary . In my case it is not as b12 tablets do nothing .

I did however have alot if b12 deficiency symptoms before my first ever b12 test.

A negative intrinsic factor test does not rule out PA however.

Do you know why your b12 was tested?

Also after a bad reaction to your second covud vaccination you will take time to recover.

What were the symptons that got you admitted?

I felt I was being poisoned initially on B12 injections but I was ill before starting them

Nothing else's found

You are right in thinking the doctor has no knowledge beyond loading doses.

I'm amazed they didn't try tablets first at your level if you didn't have b12 deficiency symotons .?

Or was it a way to help you recover from the vaccine effects?

Yiu obviously wete getting deplete before your vacs though .


JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Nackapan

After my 1st vaccine I didnt feel well , very tired , shooting pains in my arms and legs , fever and then chills etc which took 5 weeks to settle down . After my 2nd jab , i felt a bit of it the next day and by that night time I was very tired and my back ached . As I have fibro I just thought this was a reaction to going out as I dont go out much . The following morning I woke up and couldnt move as the pain in my back was excrutiating . Thinking I had somehow damaged my back on the car ride ( only 15 mins each way ) I just rested in bed . I was in bed the following 10 days , still not getting any better and could barely stand . I then had a massive headache and lost my speech for twenty minutes . I was talking but the wrong words were coming out . The following morning i woke up and the room was spinning so we called the out of hours for a gp . He sent for an ambulance and I had a ct scan on my brain and numerous xrays on my back and they found nothing . It was eventually put down to the vaccine and I was sent home 5 days later as soon as I could drag myself upstairs . I was given 4000 mcg of vitamin D as they said my Vit D was really low and told to take 4000 every week , they never mentioned my Vitamin B12 levels at all . On my discharge notes for my GP it said that I should have the Intrinsic antibody test as a follow up . After that came back negative it was arranged for me to have the loading doses and a course of Vitamin D , but instead of the 4000 I was told to take by the hospital I was given 40,000 a week by the gp to take for 7 weeks . I actually stopped taking it after 5 weeks as I felt I was just getting worse and my stomach wasnt reacting very well on it . My gp said that the normal level for vitamin D was 50 and he was going to aim for 75 . Obviously now though everything has stopped. I have taken supplements in the past for the over 50's but not on a regular basis and did get some vitamin d supplements when I came out of hospital so my intention is that once my body settles down again to start taken a low dose of vitamin d and another multivitamin on a regular basis . What I dont understand is how do they know what level I am now if they arent doing another blood test for 12months ??????

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to JayBee2021

Usually when you are on b12 injections your level isn't tested anymore as the numbers are irrelevant and shlukd stay high .should go by symptoms. But that is when on a regular maintenence dose.

Saying that one b12 level test is often done to make sure levels are high.

Mine was 2000+

That was done before my first maintenence dose.

Some Gps use this to stop treatment as have a very poor understanding .

Beware of that.

What you've been told is rubbish.

At least tge nurse knows that.

What isn't clear is if you had b12 deficiency symptoms before your vaccines?

As I said you may be okay with a boost of a b12 regular oral dose.?

As for your vit D . I akso felt ill on very high loading loading doses a yesr before I got ill.

I manage to stay between 60-75 taking 25ug daily(1000) Even in the summer.

For me it reduced headaches and a bit if the tiredness at the time.

Hoping yo save my bones too.

Now I realise it wad a sure sign of an absorbtion issue starting .

It seems yo me if one has an underlying problem the vaccine multiples your symptoms. Hits your vulnerabilities whilst getting the immune response it's designed to do .

I had freezing cold feet . A leaden body . Really coukd not move . Pain in lower back and a locked head and neck . Very intense tinnitus . Felt as though my body was on hold to deal with 'it' or not. Really felt coukd go one way or another

My husband was in the greenhouse can hear if call from bedroom window. In bed as did feel ill.

I akso could not speak. Or call.

Very scary.

Not sure for how long. I've had the head locks/ nervous system in overdrive unfortunately alot in the early days . Had learnt how to sit it out and wait fir it to pass. Like my whole system on super charge/lelectrics . Very hard to explain. Vile and to outsiders coukd look like a panic attack. Probably the same symptoms different causes. ?

This was different as a quick onset .

I know I lost a few hours. As took my temperature to see if that caused 'the turn ' (yes I'd taken the thermometer upstairs as was aware something going on)

It was 35.9! So in the low side . I only vaguely remember doing it and logging it as thought get as much information for the hospital by my bedside fir when my husband finally found me. By the time I was able to speak just wanted a cup if tea abd not mention it fir a while so I ckujd digest it.

Took me a while to try and communicate what happened to record it.

It was one 'episode ' 2-3 hours with the aftermath that follows .

Not dissimilar to a post severe hypo.

Body Shuts down to what ever level tgen has to reboot

Such a strong reaction. I though very unlucky but obviously not as rare as I thought .

I had no idea if woukd be repeated or not .

After which I was bedbound as couldnr walk well off balance ect .

I was refusing to eat in bed had to get moving as ached so badly . Took Mr months before to build uo wasted muscles

I don't think even my husband couldv take on board what had happened.

He was okay after both vaccinations of astra zenica and has got type one diabetes .He was working still. So agsin no rhyme or reason.

You will need a blood test to check your vit D level

I think it was 3 months after. IHad to request one.

With vit D on a regular basis read up on vit k Mark 7 . I knew nothing about that. Some supplements come with it in as a mix .

I'm 14 weeks after my 'reaction ' and feel back to prevaccine with 'familiar ' ongoing symptoms.

I take my hat off to you for havibg the second one .

At least you have the best protection against covid .

At a high cost but its done .

Also found deficiencies to treat which will help you in the future.

Trying to draw positives from a very bad experience

I hope the palpitations settle very soon. The medics were not concerned on 'telephone consults' about mine either??

Do let us know how you get on.

I really hope when your body settles you will have made improvements from the treatment of b12xand vit d .

Take care

JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you for your replies , I hope we can stay in touch . My husband always says that I shouldnt read up on stuff as it will make me worse but its the opposite . I like to be well informed . I have seen too many blunders in the past regarding the nhs in the way they operate , so I believe a lot in " heal thyself" if I am able . The Vitamin d I purchased was in 2000 's so I will start and take one a week ( once I settle ) just frightened that I will make things worse again but I have to try . I am also going to get either an over 50's multivitamin or a b12 complex to take but there are so many to choose its difficult to know what is best . All I do know is that I just want to be back to "my" normal.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to JayBee2021

Yes I chooses to take a supermarket a-z after Trying loads then worried too high a dose.Supermarket ones have a good range of vits and minerals in sensible doses.

I also take over 5o ones one or twice a werk.

As a maintenence dose for vitamin d you do need to take it daily.

My 1000 a day keeps be only just on range.

I do realises we are all different but yours very low . My lowest 21

I've read uo to 4000 a day safe.


Gives lots of vit d advice.

G'ps normally say 800mcg a day

Yes in an odd way your post reassuring my vaccination reaction not so rare .

Horrid though.

Hope you back to your 'normal' soon.

I think even better once vit d and b12 helped you.

T c

pietecoknow profile image
pietecoknow in reply to JayBee2021

So what does that tells us about the vaccine?


JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to pietecoknow

It saves lives , but like all medicines it can have side effects. I spoke with my gp before having mine as I am allergic to lots of medicines and some products but he advised me to have the Astra Zenecca and said I should be okay . Unfortunately I had a negative effect but at least I'm covered for Covid . Who knows if the reactions were due to that or a then unidentified Vitamin deficiency we shall never know. My husband was laid up after his first jab but was absolutely fine with his second ,plus he is on the highly vulnerable list so it was important that we both were covered . I do not regret having it just the side effects . I know lots who have been fine after . We also lost someone a week ago to covid . She lived in a country who have yet to speed up their vaccine process so she was in her early 60s and hadnt had any jabs . So you stand a much better chance having had them than you do without.

scnuke profile image
scnuke in reply to pietecoknow

Anecdotal reports of possible side effects tell us nothing about the vaccine. If effects are determined to be associated with the vaccine, the data will be accumulated, studied, and categorized and reported. All we can tell so far is that the very rare side effects of any significance are comparatively mild and gives one a high degree of protection from the Covid virus and the variants. Over 98% of new infections are in unvaccinated or partially vaccinated populations.

Skylane2 profile image
Skylane2 in reply to JayBee2021

You poor thing! How hard it must be when you seem to be getting a “run around” from the medical people in your life. We live in the states and get MODERNA vaccines. In the UK ( we’re told) you get Astra Zeneca and it has a lot more side effects. Take the vitamin D 5000 mg a day orally. We do t get enough sun and that’s where the D comes from. Is your blood pressure OK? I have high blood pressure and get palpations and difficulty breathing when I need to take a blood pressure pill. Also stick with your diet there’s no reason if you’re eating fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains that you should be deficient in vitamins. Listen to music ( not rock) and watch things on TV that make you laugh. Laughter is good for the soul ( and the body) it sounds like you have been through a nightmare but with Gods help you will be recovering soon. I will pray for you.

JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Skylane2

Thank you for your reply , luckily the weather is currently very sunny here in the uk and ive been trying to sit out as much as I can but its very very hot so a bit overpowering . I just keep telling myself its just my body healing itself when I get the flutters and arent panicking now after Ive had so many lovely replies . This group has really been a godsend and I'm very grateful to each and everyone who has responded to my post .

Leils profile image

Sorry to hear about your experience

Would try a B complex for the other Bs and magnesium glycinate for the jitters

And get out in the sun to keep boosting your D, avoiding midday of course

Do you eat eggs and fish?

JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Leils

No I am vegetarian and therefore do not eat fish , and I also do not eat eggs as in fried or boiled only when then are included in a recipe of something .

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to JayBee2021

Then it is possible that your B12 deficiency is diet-related.

Since B12 cannot be found in vegetables, vegans need to supplement daily with B12 tablets. Vegetarians need to ensure that they have sufficient B12 from eggs, cheese, B12-fortified products, such as certain cereals and milks (eg Special K and Kokomilk).

It is worth checking to see if tablets would work for you after loading dose. If it turns out that you don't need further injections, all the better.

Make sure this is monitored by a GP though- it is always possible for a vegan or a vegetarian to have pernicious anaemia or B12 deficiency from other causes, such as small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). It has been pointed out that it is also possible for some people to find meat difficult to digest because they unknowingly have B12 deficiency- and so become vegetarians/vegans because of this.

Get GP to keep an eye on Vitamin D levels. I was found to have osteoporosis of the spine - so now get vitamin D and Raloxifene on prescription.

Sorry to hear that you have had such an awful time. Take care.

JayBee2021 profile image
JayBee2021 in reply to Cherylclaire

I have just ordered some Wellwoman supplements specifically for Vegetarians and vegans hopefully these will help keep me topped up .

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to JayBee2021

Hope this will be sufficient, but keep a check on symptoms- do go back to GP if any worsening - in frequency or severity. If you aren't sure of the range of symptoms, have a look at the list on the Pernicious Anaemia website or or Long after starting B12 injections for B12 deficiency, I did develop a thumpy heart, which I dismissed as just more B12 deficiency symptoms until it occurred every day and most nights. After a 24hr heart monitor was fitted, it turned out to be ventricular ectopics, adding unnecessary beats. Wasn't expecting that. So do continue to keep a close eye on what is happening to you.

It has no known reason, can start out of the blue and go in the same way, so I just waited, and it went a few months later. I was offered heart medication but decided to see first, as the treatment was not easily reversible.

It can take a while to find out what you need, what works for you, and you might need GP to monitor results.

With B12 deficiency, it is very difficult for a GP to be sure of the cause, since there is no definitive pernicious anaemia test. Of those with PA, only 40-60% would test Intrinsic factor antibody positive, which means that this cannot be used effectively to rule out pernicious anaemia. However, a positive result is 95% accurate for PA, which is about as good as a diagnosis can get.

Take care.

prillyb12 profile image

I understand we need extra B-12 co factors when having injections to help the B-12 work. These are methyl folate and B6 in the P5P form. The methyl folate seems to come in 400 - 1000 mcg and the P5P in 275 mg dosages. That's what I'm taking.

Foggyme profile image
FoggymeAdministrator in reply to prillyb12

Prillyb12 - cofactors are not required to make vitamin B12 'work'. Supplements are only required if there is a proven deficiency. Over supplementing long-term with some vitamins and minerals can cause issues (B6 can cause neuro toxicity and potentially irreversible neurological damage, methylfolate can cause issues for some people (mood swings, 'jitters', insomnia etc.). Over supplementing with any form of folate can cause quite severe side effects and potentially irreversible neurological damage.

lynxis profile image

I did get palpitations for 3 weeks after my first Moderna shot. I saw an electrophysiologist who said it was really common after the mRNA vaccines from what he'd seen, and a Holter monitor I wore revealed only PVCs and PACs. But it was exactly as you describe, just a momentary skip followed by a cough or a second of being short of breath.

Additionally, when you start B12 treatment, your potassium can get low, which could conceivably cause palpitations. Potassium supplements can be dangerous, though, so I like to drink coconut water, or use a reasonable electrolyte powder. (Even with the vaccine-induced palpitations, the doctor recommended electrolytes to me. ) Also, hydration in general. My palpitations have always been worse when my blood pressure is low; hydration helps immensely. Keeping vitamin D, folate, and ferritin optimal also helps with symptoms, as others have mentioned.

See a doc if you can, maybe wear a monitor to make sure PVCs are what you're experiencing. But don't panic in the meantime.

Symptoms tend to get worse after treatment before they get better, seems to be the consensus among the B12 deficient here. It is tempting to believe you've gotten too much at first, but that doesn't seem to be the case; it's just your body waking back up, and that can take a while.

Foggyme profile image

JayBee2021. Your post is now attracting general discussion about covid vaccines, based on inappropriate sources / conspiracy theories. This type of discussion is contrary to forum guidelines so I am closing your post to further replies to prevent further covid vaccine discussions.

There is nothing wrong or inappropriate with your post - we sometimes have to take this action to prevent others posting inappropriate material.

You’ve had lots of lovely responses so hope you don’t mind - and please do post again if you need further support or have more questions.

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